How to automatically include the release version of libraries



I'm using visual studio 2005.
My main project contains some included class libraries.
I have included tin the main project references the various bin\debug
\lib.dll files.
Now I want to try a release configuration but the main project
continues to include the \debug version of the libraries (that, now,
are correctly compiled in release configuration too).
Should I manually change all the references every time I change




If You have the referenced projects in the same solution, replace Your
references to the dll-s with references to the projects, so the required
configuration gets included.

In case You have the dlls from elsewhere You can try to modify the project
file by hand.
- Unload the given project and open it for edit.
- Look for the references itemgroup, You will find elements like :
<Reference Include=...
- these reference tags can have a Condition property,
- set Condition to "'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'" for debug dlls and
"'$(Configuration)' == 'Release' for release dlls
- Save and reload Your project
Latter solution requires some work, if You find better way please let me




If You have the referenced projects in the same solution, replace Your
references to the dll-s with references to the projects, so the required
configuration gets included.

Thank you very much, the simple solution does work.

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