Sensitivity analysis



Is there a way (add-in or other) to perform sensitivity analysis in Acess
2000 or 2003? For example, Sensit add-in performs sensitivity anlysisis in
Excel 97-2007 spreadsheets.

John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
There is not a direct way but it can be programmed in. I provide help with
Aceess applications for a modest fee and could implement sensitivity
analysis in your application for you. If you would like my help, contact
me at (e-mail address removed).


These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer help.

Steve is a known troll and has been preying on unsuspecting posters of the
Access newsgroups with hollow promises of help. He has proved many times,
even at free, that his help is overrated and of poor quality. If he was any
good, his previous clients would be here defending him or giving repeat
business so he does not need to grovel for work.

John... Visio MVP

PS: you will have to explain to stevie what sensitivity analysis is, he does
not have a clue.


Is there a way (add-in or other) to perform sensitivity analysis in Acess
2000 or 2003? For example, Sensit add-in performs sensitivity anlysisis in
Excel 97-2007 spreadsheets.

You can invoke an instance of the Excel library in your code and call
an Excel function to do it...

Larry Daugherty

These newsgroups exist for the purpose of providing FREE technical
help among developers. Any offers of service for a fee in these
newsgroups is a dishonorable violation of the charter.

Steve knows that but just can't resist the chance to prey on people he
believes don't know that. He is aware of many other venues where
offers of service for a fee is welcomed. Instead he chooses to post
offers of service here where he is the only one to do so.



Thank you for the alert.

Larry Daugherty said:
These newsgroups exist for the purpose of providing FREE technical
help among developers. Any offers of service for a fee in these
newsgroups is a dishonorable violation of the charter.

Steve knows that but just can't resist the chance to prey on people he
believes don't know that. He is aware of many other venues where
offers of service for a fee is welcomed. Instead he chooses to post
offers of service here where he is the only one to do so.


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