Send To Desktop (Move File)



just a tiny question - WinXP has the "shortcutting" link under right
mouse button SendTo menu. I added a shrotcut to the %Userprofile%/
SendTo directory pointing to Desktop but then it utilizes only
CopyFile function if i may call it that way... how do i get MoveFile
to Desktop (or any other directory) ability under SendTo menu?

and before anyone starts spamming with texts like "what's the point in
having...", "what da hell do you need that for" etc etc i need to
inform you that i know i can always open Desktop window along with
Source window and move files easily, i can also use Win+D to get
desktop, but still that requires either choosing file with a mouse
click (or by keyboard) followed by Ctrl+X and then Ctrl+V on the
target dir :D but one can easily use one right click, choose the
option in SendTo and have the same thing done :D

anyway - thx in advance for any suggestions :D


[mkarwin] wrote-:
just a tiny question - WinXP has the "shortcutting" link under right
mouse button SendTo menu. I added a shrotcut to the %Userprofile%/
SendTo directory pointing to Desktop but then it utilizes only
CopyFile function if i may call it that way... how do i get MoveFile
to Desktop (or any other directory) ability under SendTo menu?

Hold down shift key while clicking the menu item.

Good Luck, Ayush.


[mkarwin] wrote-:
just a tiny question - WinXP has the "shortcutting" link under right
mouse button SendTo menu. I added a shrotcut to the %Userprofile%/
SendTo directory pointing to Desktop but then it utilizes only
CopyFile function if i may call it that way... how do i get MoveFile
to Desktop (or any other directory) ability under SendTo menu?

Hold down shift key while clicking the menu item.

Good Luck, Ayush.

great tip, thx very much.

but if you also happen to know how to set direct link in SendTo menu
(so that no mambo-jumbo with the keyboard was needed) to move file do
the target dir do not hesitate to share this knowledge :D i'd be most



[mkarwin] wrote-:
great tip, thx very much.
but if you also happen to know how to set direct link in SendTo menu
(so that no mambo-jumbo with the keyboard was needed) to move file do
the target dir do not hesitate to share this knowledge :D i'd be most

First create a Bat file -

Set MoveTo="C:\"
for %%f in (%*) do @move %%f %MoveTo%

Then create a shortcut to this bat file in your send to folder.

Good Luck, Ayush.

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