Selection of records from subform to lock and further processing in access 2007

Oct 17, 2015
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Dear experts,
I have developed a databse in access 2007 for my transporting co. where we are hirer of vehicles one side and supllier of vehicles on other side. We load several vehicles from several mines areas every day according to "DO qty"and deliver the loads to defined customer's premises.
We have to pay the hiring charges to vehicle owner who can be owner of one or several vehicles. veh owner brings his dispatch challan ( Unique No)(which we provide after loading the vehicle) and delivery /Reciept challan provided by our customer after unloading the vehicle) to us which can be one or multiple on his choice. We have to calculate freight shortages etc. and make payment of total amount of produced challans.
Every thing till dispatch and delivery is ok and also I prepared a select query to Calculate Net freight of each "Bilty No"( Dispatch Challan No). Further I wish to prepare a payment voucher form which will consist the complete row of records of produced "Bilty No", makes total of " net freight" Column to proceed for the payment of toal amount, and printable with all details. After payment of all produced "Bilty No" I wish to lock the data of paid challans as non accessable for payment process to avoid double payment of such.
How can this all be possible please guide.
Please provide the solutions considering me as a toddler as this is my first assignment without any knowledge and experience.


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