Select method of Range fails


J West


I got stuck supporting somebody else's macros, and I'm
running into an error that only seems to affect Excel 2002
SR-1. The error is a 1004 error: Select method of Range
class failed. I've indicated the line on which the error
occurs. Here is the code:

Dim i As Integer, Item As String, Pic As String, OBJ As
Object, Col As Object
Dim Count As Integer, Message As String, CalcStat As
Integer, ColWid As Double
Dim Parray() As String

ReDim Parray(100)

CalcStat = Application.Calculation
If CalcStat <> xlManual Then Chg_Calc (xlManual)
********* this Sub just unprotects the sheet
Unprotect_Sheet ("CBP(2)")

If IsMissing(PName) Then
PName = "All"
For Each OBJ In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If Left$(OBJ.Name, 5) = "rpic_" Then
Count = Count + 1
Parray(Count) = OBJ.Name
End If
Next OBJ
Count = 1
Parray(1) = PName
End If

ReDim Preserve Parray(Count)
For i = 1 To Count
Pic = Parray(i)
Item = Mid$(Pic, 6, Len(Pic))

On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0

With Worksheets("Graphs").Shapes("Ch_" & Item)
.Height = Range("rpic_" & Item).Height
.Width = Range("rpic_" & Item).Width
.CopyPicture , xlPicture
End With

****************** the following line fails
Format:="Picture", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False

As I mentioned before, this only seems to affect Excel
2002 SR-1. In Excel 2003, Excel 2000, and Excel 97 this
code excutes just fine.

Any ideas would be appreciated,

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