Search function isnt 'seeing' most of my files - help! (WindowsXP)




My Search on WindowsXP is only finding a small fraction of my files.
It's extremely odd. For example if I search for *.xls
It's finding a random few files... and they arent in the
same directory... It's just not seeing most of the files!
It's not about date, (I have When was it modified set to
dont remember, likewise size, I'm searching system folder, hidden
files and
subfolders ...} all ticked)

Is it something to do with indexing... or is my entire hard disk about
to crash?


Shiperton Henethe



Troubleshooting Search - Text

1. Go to Search/change Preferences/With Indexing Service/Change Indexing
Service (Advanced).

or via:

2. Go to Start/Administrative Tools/Computer Management/Services and
Applications/Indexing Service.

If this doesn't help...

Windows® XP has a known issue for not finding a number of File Types when
you do a Search for Files "containing text" or using the "A word or phrase
in the file" option. This can be remedied for many file types, but not all.

Download the VBS file below. Double click the file you just saved. You'll
be prompted to enter a file extension. If the PersistentHandler value is
correct, no changes will be made. If the PersistentHandler value exists,
but is different, no changes will be made. If no PersistentHandler value
exists, then it will be created.

Enable XP's Search to find text in files:

Manual Edit:

To resolve this problem for other file types, install a program that
registers a filter for the file type that you want to search. If no program
that provides a filter is available, you can use the plain text filter for a
file type.

Go to Start/Run/Regedit and add a PersistentHandler key under the file type
key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and set its (Default) string value name to the
following value: {5e941d80-bf96-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}

For example, to use the text filter provider for .pas files, the following
registry setting should exist:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.zzz\PersistentHandler\(Default) =

After you add this value to the registry, you must log off and then log back
on to make the change take effect.

Using the "A Word or Phrase in the File" Search Criterion May Not Work;EN-US;Q309173


All the Best,

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!!.htm

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