Search Companion Window Missing


Lee Jefferies

In a Windows XP home system from which I have just removed viruses and
spy ware, the search window no longer shows the "Search by any or all
of the criteria below" dialog. It looks like that portion of the
window has been hidden or reduced to nothing. The little animated dog
does show at the bottom of the screen. I have searched the register
but was not successful in finding any parameters that might help me
fix the problem.

Lee Jefferies
(e-mail address removed)

Patti MacLeod

Hi Lee,

Give this a try and see if it restores the upper portion of that pane.......

Go to Start>Run and key in:

regsvr32 /s jscript.dll
<Click on OK or hit ENTER>

regsvr32 /s vbscript.dll
<Click on OK or hit ENTER>


Lee Jefferies

Thanks Patti, that worked.

Hi Lee,

Give this a try and see if it restores the upper portion of that pane.......

Go to Start>Run and key in:

regsvr32 /s jscript.dll
<Click on OK or hit ENTER>

regsvr32 /s vbscript.dll
<Click on OK or hit ENTER>


Lee Jefferies
(e-mail address removed)

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