Search combined categories (as search folders) in Outlook 2007




Is there any way to make search folder use 2 (or more) categories for
searching, using logical "AND" between them? I've tried using various
advanced settings but the only result I got is searching with logical

Message #1: Categories: A,B
Message #2: Categories: B,C
Message #3: Categories: A,C

What I expect is to create search folder named "A+C" which would
contain only Mesage #3 but not #1 and #2. Now everything I've tried
ended with getting all example messages in search results.

Please help


Roady [MVP]

You do not need the Query Builder for that. You can use the Advanced tab for
that as well;
Field: Categories
Condition: contains
Value: Category A Category C

You'd only need the Query Builder when you want to search on 2 or more
combination of fields or mix and/or operations. For instance;
{Sent by me AND sent after <date>}
contains the category <projectname>


You do not need the Query Builder for that. You can use the Advanced tab for
that as well;
Field: Categories
Condition: contains
Value: Category A Category C

This solution works fine, but then catgories must not contain spaces
in their names.

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