Search and replace ALT+Enter



I have a very large workbook with multiple spreadsheets with frequesnt use of
ALT+ENTER within cells. I need to separate these data into columns using
Data-> Text to Columns.

How do I do a Find for ALT+ENTER?


Using Find/Replace, you can use CTRL-j, or ALT-010 in the Find box and
then Replace it with something else (like "|") so that your text-to-
columns can parse on the replacement character.

Hope this helps.



Ctrl+J didn't seem to do anything. However, I just found ALT+ number pad
0009, so I've converted the line breaks to the asterisk character (*) then
Data->Text to Columns on the asterisk. It might not be the most efficient
method, but it seems to work.


Dave Peterson

if alt-0009 worked, then it wasn't the alt-enter that created the character.

Alt-0009 is the tab character.

So you could have avoided the edit|Replace and just used delimited by tab.

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