Screen size in internet explorer



How can I make the information displayed in internet explorer browser window
the screen? I must always arrow over to see what is at the right side. If I
use the Font Size to change information displayed then the words are very
small and hard to read.

Thank you!


Carla said:
How can I make the information displayed in internet explorer browser window
the screen? I must always arrow over to see what is at the right side. If I
use the Font Size to change information displayed then the words are very
small and hard to read.

Thank you!

What screen size and resolution is being used right now? Most
websites today are programmed to use either a resolution of
800 x 600 (although 1024 x 768 is becoming more common). But
when using a higher resolution, the print does appear smaller
and toggling to the next type size may help.

There is also the choice of running Internet Explorer at "full
screen" by toggling the F11 key.

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