Screen Saver won't start



Screen saver won't start. It use to work and default to my pictures folder,
but now nothing. Any hints as to what might be wrong? Thanks

Wesley Vogel

The screen saver does not work when you use a Wireless Optical Desktop mouse
on a Windows XP SP2-based computer

The screen saver does not work on a Windows XP-based computer

The screen saver does not start after you install the Wireless Optical
Desktop device

The screen saver does not work on XP MCE (Media Center Edition).

I have the same problem. Turns out, ehtray.exe is the culprit. It's the
part of Media Center that downloads the guide information. When it's
running, screensaver will not kick in. When I manually disable it via the
task manager, screensaver works. Haven't found a workaround that allows it
to run and my screensaver to run. Perhaps someone out there has the

You can also disable it from running in the first place in
msconfig/startup..untick ehtray


ehtray.exe sounds like the Canadian version of systray.exe to me. ;-) Eh?

ehtray.exe is the tray bar process for the Microsoft Media
Center. It gives you easy access to the digital media manager. This is a
non-essential process. Disabling or enabling this is down to user

ehtray.exe is the Media Center Tray Applet

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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