Saving Desktop Settings



When I log off of Windows XP my current desktop settings are saved so that
when I log back in, my icons, etc. are where I left them.

Is it possible to log off of Windows and not save the desktop settings?

When I remote desktop from my laptop at home to my desktop at work, all of
my nicely placed icons are mushed to the upper left corner to match my
laptops screen size.

Thanks, Richard


Don't understand 100%. However, right click desktop---align icons--remove X
from align to grid.


I'll try and clarify...

My icons are normally moved to the edges and my second monitor. When I log
in with remote desktop, the screen size is reduced to fit my laptop and the
icons are all moved to fit the new size.

When I get back to my physical machine they have all been moved. I have to
manually move them back, because, when I log out there locations are saved
into the local desktop settings. I want to skip this.

Thanks, Richard


I've seen that registry setting. I was hoping for something like "hold down
the shift key and stand on one foot" while logging out. :).

Thanks for the response.


Detlev Dreyer

moWhite said:
I've seen that registry setting. I was hoping for something like "hold
down the shift key and stand on one foot" while logging out. :).

Well, there is no such option.
Thanks for the response.

You're certainly welcome, Richard.

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