Saving as Plain Text



Whenever I save a Word 2002 document as Plain text, I get a dialog "Text.txt
may contain features that are not compatible with Plain Text format".

I have removed all formatting, tried pasting special text, and tried a brand
new document saved as text. Is there any way to eliminate this dialog?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Dave,
Whenever I save a Word 2002 document as Plain text, I get a dialog "Text.txt
may contain features that are not compatible with Plain Text format".

I have removed all formatting, tried pasting special text, and tried a brand
new document saved as text. Is there any way to eliminate this dialog?
No, there's no way to suppress this warning prompt. Essentially, when you work
in Word it's *always* going to use information that's not compatible with
plain text format, because everything in Word is formatted.

You should be able to use a macro to save without getting a prompt. Copy the
following to a VBA module (see the website for instructions on
how to use macros if you've no experience). Assign it to a keyboard shortcut
or toolbar button (whatever you prefer to use):

Sub SaveMyTextFileWithNoPrompt()
End Sub

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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