Save restore point to disc (cd) using Windows XP SP2



I know that Windows XP SP2 has a built in feature to restore my
computer to a previous time. I also know and have made a restore
point....can I save or burn this information on a cd? The reason I ask this,
is that I wish to had a software program called CleanUp so as I regain some
of my disc space. To use this program it is advised to make a backup of your
hard disk before running CleanUp for the first time....I thought system
restore might be the fastest and easiest way to do so.
In the past I have made a system restore point.....after all was said &
done & new software added after the fact.....system restore would not work &
I had to take my computer to the repair shop.
I really want to add CleanUp .... could you please advise me how to
safeguard my computer in case I do have problems after the fact.
Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration.

Ted Zieglar

1. Restore points cannot be saved to removable storage.

2. Are you confusing System Restore with backing up?

Ted Zieglar


Maybe I am getting the two confused.
1. When you back up the computer or make a restore point......
a. both bring the computer to the point that the backup was made.
Also the restore point replaces/brings the computer back to where it was when
the restore point was made.
b. This results the same outcome?


If SR has not worked for you in the past, why trust it now?

System Restore does NOT restore the My Documents folder, it is excluded. To see what is restored read this article: There was a specific article about monitored extensions but it apparently no longer exists.

The best way to backup everything is with a disk imaging program, I use TrueImage from

Just my 2¢ worth,
__________In response to__________
| Maybe I am getting the two confused.
| 1. When you back up the computer or make a restore point......
| a. both bring the computer to the point that the backup was made.
| Also the restore point replaces/brings the computer back to where it was when
| the restore point was made.
| b. This results the same outcome?

Bert Kinney


No, SR doesn't work that way. System Restore monitors only a core set
of specified system and application file types (e.g. .exe, .dll etc),
while Backup Utility typically backs up all files including users
personal data files, ensuring a safe copy stored either on the local
disk or to another medium. System Restore does not monitor changes to
or recover users' personal data files such as documents, graphics,
e-mail, and so on. While system data contained in System Restore's
restore points are available to restore to for only a limited period
(restore points older than 90 days are deleted by default), backups
made by the Backup Utility can be recovered at any time.

Here are a couple of articles on SR.
Microsoft Windows XP System Restore (Windows XP Technical Articles):

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding System Restore in Windows XP:

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