Save Events


John Wels

I would like to ask If is possible in VB.NET make something like that
application will be somewhere saving all events which was made.
For example button A was pressed, Mouse clicked on
X-axis Y-axis.
And then for example this events backward generate.
Thanks for answers.


Hi John
One way of doing that it to write a handler to each of the events you want
to keep logs for ( probably you have that handler already doing some
function when the event is raised ) then you can use the Trace class to
write an entry to the application log file ( or you can create you own
application log for that matter ) in that log you can write the name of the
event the object that raised it ( get that from the object sender param in
the handler ) and the time when the event was raised ( Time.Now.ToString())
Mohamed M .Mahfouz
Developer Support Engineer
ITWorx on behalf of Microsoft EMEA GTSC

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