Save As problem..



Recieved mail with pics, tried to "save as" and got this message that I was
missing windows/system32/mshtml.hlp I have been doing this for so time, don't
understand why now I'm missing this file. I recently installed IE7, could
this be the problem? If so, I want IE6 back please! Oh, the pics were sent
from a friend's "Kodak" file and are not a normal attachment!
Windows XP, Outlook Express.



mshtml.hlp is a help file and should not affect your downloading and saving
them. Neither is it a system file. Suggest you contact your friend and have
them resend the pictures as an attachment to their email in JPG format.
If they are not in JPG format, tell him/her to open the picture and click
"Save As" and select JPG format in their graphics program. You answered
the problem yourself when you stated, "are not a normal attachment".
If they can't do that, use the below program, for it will open "almost" any
graphic. IrfanView - Graphics program/viewer
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