SATA + PATA XP installation



I have a A64 +3500, K8N Neo2 Plat motherboard, 1 WD
Raptor 74Gb SATA, 1 WD 250Gb ATA and 1 DVD+RW DL Sony

The ATA disk is the master disk at IDE 0 channel and the
DVD drive is the master disk at IDE 1 channel. The Raptor
disk is at SATA 1.

I am trying to install Windows XP Professional. I use the
nVidia SATA drivers (F6 and install startup) and both
drivers are listed correctly. But when I choose the
Raptor driver for OS installation, the XP allways says
that it needs a partition on the ATA disk to continue
installation. I want to have the OS in the Raptor disk
and have the big disk as a data disk, which can be, at
any time, removed or replaced by a bigger one...

Does any one know how to proceed?


Robs said:
I have a A64 +3500, K8N Neo2 Plat motherboard, 1 WD
Raptor 74Gb SATA, 1 WD 250Gb ATA and 1 DVD+RW DL Sony

The ATA disk is the master disk at IDE 0 channel and the
DVD drive is the master disk at IDE 1 channel. The Raptor
disk is at SATA 1.

I am trying to install Windows XP Professional. I use the
nVidia SATA drivers (F6 and install startup) and both
drivers are listed correctly. But when I choose the
Raptor driver for OS installation, the XP always says
that it needs a partition on the ATA disk to continue
installation. I want to have the OS in the Raptor disk
and have the big disk as a data disk, which can be, at
any time, removed or replaced by a bigger one...

Does any one know how to proceed?

Robs -

First, I assume that you are aware that the original Windows XP release does
NOT include 48-bit LBA support, UNLESS you are running OR installing from
Windows XP SP1 or later.

If you want to use 48-bit LBA support, you MUST apply Windows XP SP1 or
Windows XP Media Center Edition and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition already
include SP1.

Microsoft Knowledge Base Article # 303013;en-us;303013

In you situation,

1.) BACKUP ALL DATA that you wish to save from these 2 drives.
2.) Check to see if your motherboard mfg. (K8N Neo2 Plat) has any BIOS
updates, read the release notes for the problems this may resolve.
3.) Get the latest WinXP drivers (or IDF files) for your peripherals, copy
these to a diskette or CD ROM
4.) Remove the large 250 Gb ATA disk as well as ALL non essential
5.) Perform a "clean install" (writing over data on he drive) of Windows XP
on your 74 Gb (WD Raptor) hard drive . You may have delete and recreate
partitions, depending upon your previous OS or configuration. I also
recommend NTFS (NT FIle System is default), unless there is a specific
reason you require FAT32.

Once the drive is booting Windows XP, you should at a minimum install
Service Pack 1.
Whether you install Service Pack 2, is an informed decision that you need to
make after checking for hardware (motherboards and add-in cards) AND
software (applications may require updates or patches) that you intend on
using with this computer.

Once you Windows and your Service Pack running, you can then shutdown the
computer and add your 250 Gb hard drive. Upon boot-up (and loading your
driver - F6) -- WindowsXP should find this new drive. You can then
partition or format --- as you desire. Disk Management can later be used to
make changes, as desired.

G. Beat


The other step that you could take is to cereate a "slipstreamed WinXP CD" -
that has the Service Packs already integrated.

One of the following utilities makes Slipstreaming (integrating) the SP2
release into your current Windows XP CD, very easy:

Windows Slipstreaming and Bootable CD Guide
(This method uses 'nLite', a free tool that does almost all the work for
you! It requires .NET however.)

Information on AutoStreamer 1.0

Windows XP Service Pack 2 - Direct Download



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