Samsung or Infineon DDRAM


Dominik Roblek

Which RAM brand is considered to be better for Athlon 64 on MSI K8TM-ILSR

512MB Samsung CL3 DDRAM PC400 or 512MB Infineon CL3 PC400 DDRAM

George Macdonald

Which RAM brand is considered to be better for Athlon 64 on MSI K8TM-ILSR

512MB Samsung CL3 DDRAM PC400 or 512MB Infineon CL3 PC400 DDRAM

You mean from stability POV?

Have you checked this:

.... and why limit yourself to Infineon or SEC? I don't see any 512MB
Infineon DIMM there though there are two Siemens DIMMs tested, one with
Infineon chips, the other with Micron.

That mbrd seems to be quite stable with most DIMMs. On the K8T Neo FSR
I've been using the Kingmax PC3500 but running it at PC3200 - a good price
and I've verified that 2x512MB DIMMs work at DDR400.

Hmm, that's a new one on me - wondered why my replies didn't show and it
turns out you asked for a follow-up to neither of the NGs you posted to....
TWICE. That's err, impolite.<shrug>... duly corrected.o_0

Rgds, George Macdonald

"Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??

Dominik Roblek

Thanks for the answer.
I'm sorry for the "follow-up" confusion I have caused.
I was learning how to use it.

Thanks again,
Dominik Roblek

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