Sales Taxes



In a workbook I have worksheets for each vendor that I buy from for my
business. Column A=product count...Column B=product cost....Column
C=product name/ID. Columns D and on are for each day of the year.
I have a problem in that different items that I buy are billed to me at
different Sales Tax rates. My question is this:
Is there a way that I can program any row on the worksheet to be
figured at a particular sales tax rate? GA has a state s/tax + our
county also has local option s/taxes. Some items are state exempt, some
aren't. Near the top of each column just below the date, I have a row
for subtotal of expenses in given that column, a state s/tax row and a
local option sales/tax row. I'd like for my cells/row that represents
the state s/t to automatically know whether a row/cell is to be taxed
or exempt.


It would appear you need a table of Products and Tax rates:

Product Column A
State Tax Column B
Local tax Column C

And then use VLOOKUP to determine tax rate(%)/amount. If no tax applies,
you could set value to zero. And are the tax rates fixed or can they change
(maybe infrequently) but then they become date-dependent.



Thank you for your reply.
I have inserted two columns, one for 4% and the other for 2% sale
taxes. I have no clue as to what I must do for "V-Lookup". Can you hel
a little farther on this?
Thank you for your help

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