S.O.S. - need M.V.P H-E-L-P for corruption of critical systems-files



HSH wrote:

Responses posted in line

FINAL (long-winded) REVIEW & my last QUESTIONS:

Will the Update-wizard automatically start downloading the
OR is there a local-cache of all the
previously downloaded&installed Updates
saved somewhere on my boot-disk?
(including the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 + recent Hotfix)

(My unreliable 56K-Dialup forces me to pre-plan
the duration my download-sessions, etc...)

Unfortunately no. If you didn't manually download and save the update
files, then they are not saved after installation. Next time manually
get them and save.
The REPAIR INSTALL article (www.michaelstevenstech.com)
contains a hyperlink under the section "Warning #1"
that refers to the webpage
"Windows XP Crashed? Here's Help" by Charlie White
that addresses using the RECOVERY CONSOLE on the XP-SetupCD
to access (the otherwise inaccesible) saved Restore Points.

This appears to be a fairly complex set of procedures.
Any comments or recommendations on this Restoration approach?

That's the first time I've seen that article or that procedure to
recover registry copies from system restore. The first part of that
article is a standard set of procedures to recover from a corrupted
registry by restoring the backup copies of the registry files. Normally
that procedure is recommended when XP won't boot due to a registry
corruption. Whether following the full set of instructions will help
you I don't know.
RE: Drive Restoration using DRIVE-IMAGE
It occurs to me that IF I can regain access to PQ DriveImage,
I could rebuild my entire boot-disk & OS-system back
to an earlier "known good" state;
which might allow me to bypass the issues of Restore Points
and/or reapplying the Windows XP Updates...

Is this wishful thinking on my part?
Any obstacles that could derail a DriveImage restoration?


I use DI and it works well however, I don't know if it works with SATA
drives. Don't have any experience in that area. Don't know if it might
depend on what version you have
I will devote a little more time to re-examine
the Repair-Install instructions to fully grasp
the procedures...
and will then start the Repair-Install process later tonight,
(lateSundaynight / earlyMondaymorning)


Good luck and post back your results. It will help others.


Responses posted in line

That's the first time I've seen that article or that procedure to
recover registry copies from system restore. The first part of that
article is a standard set of procedures to recover from a corrupted
registry by restoring the backup copies of the registry files. Normally
that procedure is recommended when XP won't boot due to a registry
corruption. Whether following the full set of instructions will help
you I don't know.

HeyYa Rock:

I will keep this Recovery Console procedure in mind
if & when all other options have been exhausted.
I use DI and it works well however, I don't know if it works with SATA
drives. Don't have any experience in that area. Don't know if it might
depend on what version you have

I am very glad to learn of your positive experience.
On a few prior occasions, I have successfully used PQ DI 7.0
to Restore some *individual* Folders & Files
from an ancillary PATA data-drive (my "Backups-partition")
back to my SATA boot-partition.
So YES --- DI v7.0 can handle SATA <--> PATA <--> SATA
very transparently.

BUT I have never before attempted a full-blown Drive-Restore
to overwrite the entire C:drive.
( " YIKES ! Giant-Leap-of-Faith, dead-ahead, Cap'n !!! ")

Good luck and post back your results. It will help others.

I just checked my email, and found a 1st-response from
an "Escalation Engineer" at Microsoft Windows Online Support.
He too ALSO recommends a Repair-Install,
and adds the caveat that I might need to also reinstall some Apps
due to varying file-Versions generated by Apps-SetupInstalls.

I am feeling very assured now that You (& y'all)
have steered me on the path to a good outcome...
and maybe even (fingers-crossed) a full-fledged Recovery.

I wrote back to the Microsoft-guy to ask about deploying
the DriveImage-restoration as an "express-route"
back to a functional & ready-to-go, Repaired&Restored C:drive.
without need for any further corrective gyrations.

I did not intend to proceed beyond the Repair-Install operation
until seeing his response to this Drive-Image restoration-method.
BUT NOW, upon hearing of YOUR positive results with
PQ DriveImage, I'm more inclined to press-forward
& go ahead with an attempt to Image-restore the C:drive.

I will followup when I have more...

Thanks again !


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