Running .MDE on Windows 2000/Office 2000 Pro.



My computer has Windows 2000 and Office 2000 Pro SR-1. I have all Windows and Office updates

I created a Access 2000 .MDE file

User are running Winodows 2000 and Office 2000 Pro SR-1 - not all computers can run the .MDE file

Some computers have no problem
Some computers are getting #ERROR in forms and #NAME? in reports

Any Ideas

Jeff Conrad

My computer has Windows 2000 and Office 2000 Pro SR-1. I have all Windows and Office updates.

I'm afraid that is not accurate!!!
The latest service pack for Office 2000 is Service Pack 3.
I would STRONGLY recommend you update all computers to Service Pack 3 since it resolves many
bugs/issues and most especially a VERY nasty one that could corrupt your entire database!
I created a Access 2000 .MDE file.

User are running Winodows 2000 and Office 2000 Pro SR-1 - not all computers can run the .MDE file.

Some computers have no problem.
Some computers are getting #ERROR in forms and #NAME? in reports.

You may likely have run into a "References" problem. The arch-nemesis of
Access is missing references. If you receive a message saying something like "Can't find
project or library" or "Undefined Function" or "#Error" or "#Name" it will most likely be
due to the fact that you do not have a reference set to the DAO object library and/or your
file locations for those libraries are in different places.

Below are some instructions on how to fix the reference errors on the problem machines. However,
this won't work for an MDE file so my suggestion is to copy over the MDB file master to the
workstation with the problem. Fix the References errors, compile the database, and then make an MDE
file from that MDB file for that worksation. I assume you have already spilt the database into a
BE/FE setup and each user has their own copy of the FE on their workstation linked to the common BE
on a server/shared folder somewhere.

To fix the References problem follow these steps on the machine(s) with the errors:
- Open any module in Design view.
- On the Tools menu, click References.
- At least one Reference should say "Missing". WRITE down the one(s) missing, most likely
it will be the DAO library.
- Click to clear the check box for the type library or object library marked as
- Close the References Window box.
- Open the References Window back up. Hopefully, nothing should say Missing this time.
- Now go find that library/project(s) in the list that was missing.
- If it is the DAO one scroll down to you get to Microsoft DAO 3.xx and check it.
- If you're using Access 97 that should be DAO 3.51 Object Library.
- If you're using Access 2000, 2002, or 2003 that should be DAO 3.6 Object Library.
- If more than one were missing, find the others and check them as well.
- Close the References box again.
- Now re-compile again. Debug--Compile.
- Hopefully you should not see any more compile errors.

If you'd like to read more about References, here's more info than you could possibly ever
want to know:

ACC2002: References That You Must Set When You Work with Microsoft Access

ACC97: References That You Must Set When You Work with Microsoft Access

ACC: VBA Functions Break in Database with Missing References

Jeff Conrad

Yes - all computers are running SP3. Under add/remove programs - Office 2000 Pro... SR-1.

Whew! That's good, you had me worried there.
So - You are saying to build the .MDE on the computers that are having a problem?

If there are only a few workstations I think that would be the easiest way to go.
It only takes a few minutes to copy the MDB file over, compile/check references, make an MDE file,
and then adjust any startup options.
If you have a LOT of workstations this could get tedious, but you did say only a few workstations
were receiving the errors.
Is there away to include references when building a .MDE?

I would read the articles I posted before on the *best* way to handle this.
You may need to do some late-binding in your code (which I have never done yet).
See this link on MVP Tony Toews' site for information on that:

I would also again highlight MVP Michael Kaplan's article as a necessary read:


Thanks for the weekend reading material

Yes - I am think I have about 4 computers that I know of. Only 1 of the 4 is in the same city as me


Jeff Conrad

Thanks for the weekend reading material.

You're welcome.
Yes - I am think I have about 4 computers that I know of.
Only 1 of the 4 is in the same city as me.

Ohhh that changes things now doesn't it?!
You may want to consider a program like Symantec PcAnywhere to transfer files to the remote
locations and trouble-shoot problems.

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