Running an .EXE as a login script


Jerry Camel

I want to run an app that was developed in VB .NET as a login script, but
the app crashes immediately with an unknown exception. The app compiles and
runs just fine when run as a normal application, but when called as a login
script through a group policy setting, it just dies. Is there some trick to
getting a .Net app to run as a login script? Thanks.


Ricardo M. Urbano - W2K/NT4 MVP

Jerry said:
I want to run an app that was developed in VB .NET as a login script, but
the app crashes immediately with an unknown exception. The app compiles and
runs just fine when run as a normal application, but when called as a login
script through a group policy setting, it just dies. Is there some trick to
getting a .Net app to run as a login script? Thanks.


The app may not like running from a network UNC path. Login scripts run
from UNC paths, not a drive letter.

You can test that by creating a shortcut to your .exe and specifying a
UNC path as the start in location or use the start command and use the
/d switch to specify a UNC path as the starting directory.


David H. Lipman

Instead of calling the EXE directly, call a batch file that calls the EXE.

This way you can work with the ENVIRONMENT, map a drive or setup anything that may be
required by the EXE to execute correctly.


| I want to run an app that was developed in VB .NET as a login script, but
| the app crashes immediately with an unknown exception. The app compiles and
| runs just fine when run as a normal application, but when called as a login
| script through a group policy setting, it just dies. Is there some trick to
| getting a .Net app to run as a login script? Thanks.
| Jerry

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