Runas to open folders and shell objects

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I have a pc with "Windows XP Home Edition" and "Windows XP Professional". In both systems I created 2 user

1)"admin" with administrative right
2)"carlo" limited use

I want to open a folder under different user account and I run

runas /profile /user:<pc_name>\<user_name> "explorer /root, <folder_name>

a) In Windows XP Home Edition
a1) session opened with "carlo"
runas /profile /user:<pc_name>\admin "explorer /root, <folder_name>" O
a2) session opened with "admin"
runas /profile /user:<pc_name>\carlo "explorer /root, <folder_name>" O

b) In Windows XP Professional
b1) session opened with "carlo"
runas /profile /user:<pc_name>\admin "explorer /root, <folder_name>" O
b2) session opened with "admin"
runas /profile /user:<pc_name>\carlo "explorer /root, <folder_name>" NO!!!!!!

In both systems I installed the latest service pack and patche
I get the error on every folder (I tested on a folder with full control to everyone). In Windows XP Professional I cannot open a folder or a shell object with a user belonging to a group with less rights (limited user) then the user that opens the session (administrator). Why

best reguards to al
Carlo Pasolini said:
wrote in message I have a pc with <SNIP> "Windows XP Professional". <SNIP> I want to open a folder
under different user account <SNIP>

As quoted from the Windows XP Professional Help and Support Center topic titled
"RunAs"... Some items, such as the Printers folder and desktop items, are opened
indirectly and cannot be started with the runas command.

As quoted from the following:

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Secondary Logon in Windows 2000

"Because the shell is started in the primary security context during initial
logon, any process launched from the shell remains in that security context. To
run the Explorer shell in an administrative security context,"... use taskmgr to
End Process on explorer.exe, and then start Explorer using:
runas /user:machine/domain name\administrator explorer.exe"

For more information see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

KB225035 - Secondary Logon (Run As): Starting Programs and Tools in
Local Administrative Context
Section: Running the Windows Explorer Shell in Administrative Security Context
Hi Carri

In my Windows Xp Home Edition I can open any folder and any shell objects with any ather user (both inferior and superior then the one that opened the session). I verified it by running "WhoAmI" in a command line opened inside the folder; I also verified it on every shell object: for example "printers": "add driver" has the buttons disabled if the user specified in Runas is a limited user and viceversa. This is different from what Microsoft technical papers declare: why?? Can Microsoft explain it to me: I am very interested in it!! I want to learn the exact behaviour of explorer.exe. I asked it to everyone and I didn't received an explanation

best reguards to all
Carlo Pasolini said:
wrote in message In my Windows Xp Home Edition I can open any folder and any shell objects with any
ather user (both inferior and superior then the one that opened the session). I
verified it by running "WhoAmI" in a command line opened inside the folder; I also
verified it on every shell object: for example "printers": "add driver" has the
buttons disabled if the user specified in Runas is a limited user and viceversa.
This is different from what Microsoft technical papers declare: why?? Can Microsoft
explain it to me: I am very interested in it!! I want to learn the exact behaviour
of explorer.exe. I asked it to everyone and I didn't received an explanation

Unfortunately I do not have a access to a computer that is running that Windows XP
Home Edition. Furthermore, I am not a shell expert. As such, I am unable to
explore, troubleshoot or help further. I suggest you try posting this to a group
where the shell experts hang-out, such as:

Your newsgroup message header seems to indicate that you are posting to the Microsoft
Public Newsgroups using the Microsoft Communities Web Page. If I am correct, if you
click the first link below it will open your browser to the:

Microsoft Communities Newsgroup:

If you read newsgroups using a NNTP newsreader, such as Outlook Express, and
use the news server, here is a link: