Run-time error '-2147467259 (8000-4005)':



Whenever I try to save a web page I have just finished
editing I get this error in a popup box entitled


Run-time error '-2147467259 (8000-4005)':
Method '~' of object '~' failed

The URL of the FrontPage web site I'm building is

Does anyone know what this means and why is it happening?
How do I fix this?

Thank you in advance for your help.

DomainMasters.NET High Speed Web Hosting

Stefan B Rusynko

Do you have an addin named Clean_table installed?
- if so remove it


| Whenever I try to save a web page I have just finished
| editing I get this error in a popup box entitled
| Clean_table
| Run-time error '-2147467259 (8000-4005)':
| Method '~' of object '~' failed
| The URL of the FrontPage web site I'm building is
| Does anyone know what this means and why is it happening?
| How do I fix this?
| Thank you in advance for your help.
| Sincerely,
| DomainMasters.NET High Speed Web Hosting


I get a similar message but I don't have clean_table and that isn't a part of the message. On certain pages, the first time I save them after I open the program, I get the Run-time error '<big old long number>' Method '~' of object '~' failed. This doesn't happen on the second save, but will come back after I close a reopen the program. It doesn't seem to hurt the website, but it does worry me

I just updated to FrontPage 2003 from FrontPage 2000

Stefan B Rusynko

Disable all addins and selectively turn them back on to see which one may be causing the problem
(Tools Addins)


| I get a similar message but I don't have clean_table and that isn't a part of the message. On certain pages, the first time I save
them after I open the program, I get the Run-time error '<big old long number>' Method '~' of object '~' failed. This doesn't happen
on the second save, but will come back after I close a reopen the program. It doesn't seem to hurt the website, but it does worry
| I just updated to FrontPage 2003 from FrontPage 2000

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