Run Access application without pro Office


Mr. Smith

Due to coorporate regulations I can not buy the MS Office Professional suite
(which include Access) to all my users which I want to let use one of our
Access applications.

I know there is a "thin way" of deploying Access on clients which should
only access a .mdb file without the ability to use the design mode etc.
Where can I read/learn more about using Access towards users without Office

Best regards
Mr. Smith



Assuming you have at least one copy of office, it does come with the access
runtime which if installed on your users computers will do exactly what you
want. Unfortunatly just owning a copy of office does not give the licence to
distribute it to your users. The cheapest option i've found is to buy a copy
of visual studio tools, which includes this licence.



PS the runtime is found on your office cd in FILES=>ACCRT

Mr. Smith

Thanks Rico.
So if I buy one copy of Visual Studio Tools (.NET or 6.0, does not matter?),
I'm allowed to publish Access runtime applications to +50 clients? Will I
have to "change" design environment or could I still do all the design
through Access? (I'm not to familiar with the MS Studio suite.....)

Best Regards
Mr. Smith


Still do all the design in access, infact you dont even need to install
visual tools! you just need to own it! Bit silly but thats the best way.


Tony Toews

rico said:
Sorry, the copy i've got is 'Visual studio tools for Microsoft Office". Check
it out microsofts site:

Also see Microsoft Access (Office) Developer Edition FAQ

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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