Round up to whole hours



My formula calculates the time 2 hours from now and I need it to round up to
the next hour:


I tried a few things but they didn't work!

Ron Rosenfeld

My formula calculates the time 2 hours from now and I need it to round up to
the next hour:


I tried a few things but they didn't work!

The CEILING function should do what you want.

Try this:



Peo Sjoblom

And if one doesn't want to include all days since 1900 one could use


or even




Peo Sjoblom

Excel 95 - Excel 2007
Northwest Excel Solutions
"It is a good thing to follow the first law of holes;
if you are in one stop digging." Lord Healey


Problem solved, didn't seem to need to use the mod bit, but will keep in mind
just in case!

Thanks guys!

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