Return receipt on distribution list


Tom White

I am using Outlook 2003 and need to set up a distribution list that has a
delivery receipt and read receipt as the default so it asks for the
receipts every time.

I do NOT want to turn on the receipts for every message I send.
I do NOT want to have to remember to set the receipts every time I send a

I am just sure I had this option in Outlook 2000 but I can't find it now.
Thanks for any help!


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Receipts are either all on or all off. You will need to set the request
manually if you have them turned off universally. All versions of Outlook
are the same in this respect.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, Tom White asked:

| I am using Outlook 2003 and need to set up a distribution list that
| has a delivery receipt and read receipt as the default so it asks for
| the receipts every time.
| I do NOT want to turn on the receipts for every message I send.
| I do NOT want to have to remember to set the receipts every time I
| send a message.
| I am just sure I had this option in Outlook 2000 but I can't find it
| now. Thanks for any help!
| Tom


Hi Tom,

I'm not sure about Outlook 2003, but there is a "workaround" in
Outlook 2002.

(1) Create a new e-mail message addressed to the DL.
(2) Check the Read Receipt and Delivery receipt choices under Options.
(3) Assign a subject (if you prefer).
(4) Select "Save as-> Message Format(*.msg)".
(5) Assign a name, and save it to your Desktop or wherever you prefer.

Now when you want to send e-mail to that DL, simply click the on the
message and it should contain the options you desire by default.



Tom White


Thanks for the response. My wife is used to forwarding a message that was
sent to her. She would forward that msg to a distribution list. She always
got the receipts but did not have it set up for every message.
I upgraded her system using Office 2003. I imported her old .pst file.
Her email worked as I described but now she has suddenly stopped receiving
the receipts. I think it may have happened when she added new people to the

(e-mail address removed) (Rob) wrote in

Tom White

Another point on this subject:

I have a small distribution group called Family. I can open the group,
click File then Properties. At the bottom of the properties page it

Read receipt requested: No
Delivery receipt requested: No

Any idea how to make them say yes?

This happens even with the system set for receipts on all messages
turned on.

I've attempted to attach a jpg screen capture to show what I am talking
about. (I hope it worked.)

No, the post gets rejected as binary posts are not allowed here.


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