residual of some sort



hey all,
i'm on vs2k3 editing a vb win app. my one form has a listbox and datagrid on
it. when i click a record in the listbox it displays related records in the
datagrid below it.

here's the wierd thing, when i click on a record in the datagrid, of course
it hightlights the contents of the cell. ok, well when i pick a different
record in the listbox i set my datagrid.datasource = nothing and display the
new records. however, the previous cell that was selected still remains on
the screen until i click somewhere on the datagrid and then it disappears.

any ideas,



so here was the deal but i still don't get it. i set both columns in my
datagrid as Read Only. When i changed back to False it worked the way it
should. Any explanations?

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