Require field entry on previous field data



I want to set the property of a bound object to require entry depending on
the value entered in another bound object. Example is;

Fail/Pass: Field1 Comments: Field2

Fail/Pass: Field3 Comments: Field4

If entry in Field1 = "FAIL" focus skips to Field2 and requires data to be
entered then focus goes to Field3.

If entry in Field1 = "pass" focus skips Field2 and goes to Field3.

The same logic applies to Field3 and Field4.

I hope I have explained this correctly. Thanks for any help.



What you could do is have an ongotfocus for each entry field

In the code you parse the current values in the fields and accordingly you
give a messagebox and set the focus to the right control.


private sub Field1_GotFocus()
end sub

private sub Field2_GotFocus()
end sub

private sub HandleFocus()
If Field1="Fail" then Field2.SetFocus
If Field3="Fail" then Field4.SetFocus
end Sub

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