Request for book recommendations



Hey, all -

Can anyone suggest some good books for me? I normally do the graphical end
of things, but am getting more involved in the coding (C#). I haven't really
had any formal programming training or anything like that, but I'm getting
by. I'm still more of a web dev, so that perspective is probably more
immediately relevant for me, but I wouldn't mind gaining some deeper
knowledge - a better understanding of n-tier, or general programming stuff,

Some books I've read recently and found to be at or a little below my 'skill

ASP.NET Kick Start (Stephen Walther)
ASP.NET Unleashed 2nd ed (Stephen Walther)
Pure ASP.NET (Lair & Lefebvre)
XML for ASP.NET Developers (Wahlin)
Visual C#.NET (Farrell)

I'm most comfortable in C#, but can survive on VB. Thanks in advance!



if you've read and studied all those books and found them to be below your
skill level then you must aleady be a guru and shouldn't need any more


Heheh... that would be nice! ;)

I suppose I should have said that I've read the books I listed enough times
cover to cover and done enough of the examples that I can usually perform
most of the tasks demonstrated in them without having to refer to them for
the concepts. Some of the books, like the Kick Start and the C#.NET one, are
beginner's guides, and so I said 'below' my skill level. The others are more
or less 'intermediate', but leave alot of gaps.

What I can't do is explain the finer points of collections, oop, n-tier
design, versioning, stack vs heap, etc - some of the basic 'big picture'
stuff. I understand some of the basics but am clueless as to alot of the
"why's" and best practices. So what I probably need are books that deal more
heavily with basic object oriented windows programming. Reckon I'll have to
learn C++?

thx - John


Thanks! I'll have to give it a read. It sounds like a step in the right
direction (although the amazon reviewers sounded a little harsh)!


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