[REQ] I need P5WD2 Premium BIOS version 0422!!!!!



I need P5WD2 Premium BIOS version 0422. After I upgraded to 0519, it
makes some problems with Windows XP.

I want to go back to old bios, but I cannot find it in the ASUS

Thank you for your help!!!


Space said:
I need P5WD2 Premium BIOS version 0422. After I upgraded to 0519, it
makes some problems with Windows XP.

I want to go back to old bios, but I cannot find it in the ASUS

Thank you for your help!!!

This is just a tease. It ain't really here. It just looks like it is.


Now, this file appears to be real.


Perhaps someone who has the file, but doesn't want to be
bothered emailing it to you, can verify that their copy of
the file has:

MD5SUM output:

05d4d20d8a7bca75f8bbad3ed353a11f *WD2P0422.ROM

SUM output (BSD sum):

33496 1024

SUM output (sysv sum):

53384 2048

Those checksums are for the WD2P0422.ROM file, after the
ZIP file has been unzipped. The ROM file is exactly 1MB.

If their file is the same as that, then the drivers.hu copy
is the real deal.



Thank you so much for your help.

I solved my problem when I go back to the pervious BIOS.

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