ReporttoPDF control options



Mr. Lebans-
Is it possible in your ReportToPDF control to set the document title
property of the PDF? I've looked through the source code and didn't see a
parameter for it. My users create PDFs from data input on a form. I would
like to take a "document title" field and make it the PDF's document title
for the purpose of searching the PDFs on a website - without having the user
manually enter the document title. If your control doesn't do it, can you
(or anyone else) offer any other suggestions?

Stephen Lebans

It's supported but I simply have not exposed a property for it yet. I really
should expose all DocumentInfo props but it's currently difficult to find
the time. I'll add it to the list.



LONG pdfSetDocInfo(

const void* IPDF, // Instance pointer

TDocumentInfo DInfo, // see below

const char* Value) // Info string

typedef enum


diAuthor = 0,

diCreator = 1,

diKeywords = 2,

diProducer = 3,

diSubject = 4,

diTitle = 5


The function set or changes a document info entry. This function is
implemented in an ANSI and

Unicode compatible version. The ANSI Version supports ANSI strings of the
code page 1252 only.

To create a documents info entry in an arbitrary 8 bit or CJK encoding
convert the string to Unicode

with the function ConvToIncode() first and use the Unicode version to set
the document info entry.

Return values:

If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the
return value is 0.


Stephen Lebans
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