Reports with crystal



Dear all,

Our customers request the need to be able to make data analysis and
reporting over an intranet solution. And this for sure in a quite fast way
like 2 to 3 month developement. Actually I am looking for components to buidl
such applciation and I will definitly use ASP.NET.

Analysis module will be able to extract simple data to simple web page
Report modules will eb able to generate and prints more complicated querries.

The point which far to be clear for me is the last one as Reporting. I ma
used to Crystal under Windows application but not under ASP environement

Does any one of you have sample on crystal printing implementation under ASP ?

Thnaks for your reply


Hi serge,

If the ASP.NET application is an intranet one, you can use:

CR_Report.PrintOptions.PrinterName = net_work_printer;
CR_Report.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 0, 0);

Or you can export report to pfd file, then open the pdf file to print it
from browser.


Elton Wang


Thanks for your reply helton

for creating the crystal report template do you use crystal developement
itself or the minimal version embeded in Visual Studio ?

what is the difference then if my apliction works afterwards on internet ?

Thansk for your reply


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