reports generating separate emails



Has anyone generated from a report individual pages to go to separate
email addresses. Automatically attaching different word docs to each email
and sending each one would be icing on the cake.

I currently use Thunderbird for emails

I currently prepare a report using changing criteria each month (i.e.,
scientists) publish it to MSWORD, then divide the big report into individual
which I then email individually.




I dont think there is a way to auto split a document, so i would recommend
creating multiple report, then exporting each one individually.

As for the email this is the best method, as doesn't require the use of any
email app. Just make sure your anti virus isn't blocking port 25. HTH Rico

Public Function sendCDOEmail(txtFrom As String, _
txtTo As String, _
txtSubject As String, _
txtBody As String, _
strAttachment As String)

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const cdoBasic = 1

Dim objCDOConfig As Object
Dim objCDOMessage As Object
Dim objattachment As Object
Dim strSch As String

strSch = ""

Set objCDOConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

With objCDOConfig.Fields
.item(strSch & "sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPort
.item(strSch & "smtpserver") = "your outgoing email server here"
.item(strSch & "SMTPAuthenticate") = cdoBasic


End With

Set objCDOMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

With objCDOMessage

Set .Configuration = objCDOConfig

.FROM = txtFrom
.Sender = txtFrom
.To = txtTo
.cc = SendCc
.Subject = txtSubject
.TextBody = txtBody

Set objattachment = objCDOMessage.AddAttachment(strAttachment) 'Attach
object given by strAttachment

.send 'Send

End With

Set objCDOMessage = Nothing
Set objCDOConfig = Nothing

End Function

Tony Toews [MVP]

Has anyone generated from a report individual pages to go to separate
email addresses.

For a page on how to print a report for a single record and how to
generate reports to attach to emails see the Emailing reports as
attachments from Microsoft Access page at
Automatically attaching different word docs to each email
and sending each one would be icing on the cake.

You could automate Word to prepare a doc file customized for each user
and also attach that file to the email. Although you might want to
email out just a PDF file.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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read the entire thread of messages.
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