Report2PDF- strStorage.dll file not found




I am using Leban's utility Report2PDF and it's working perfectly but
when i try to merge 2 pdf files, i get error "File not found:

i have copied the 2 dll files in the same folder where i have the mdb
file and also copied in C:\Windows\system32 but i am still getting the
same error.

After reading one of the posts, i tried calling the loadlib function
before MergePDFDocument function, but error remains there.

Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long

Public Declare Function MergePDFDocuments Lib "StrStorage.dll" _
(ByVal PDFMaster As String, _
ByVal PDFChild As String _
) As Boolean

Private Sub cmdMerge_Click()
Dim blRet As Boolean
Dim ldLib As Boolean
' Call our Merge function
' Please note the PDF doc passed as the second param is merged into
the PDF doc passed as the first param.
' For testing purposes:
Dim sMaster As String
Dim sChild As String

sMaster = "C:\Documents and Settings\e366091\Desktop\Document8.pdf"
sChild = "C:\Documents and Settings\e366091\Desktop\Orders.pdf"
blRet = MergePDFDocuments(sMaster, sChild)

MsgBox "How did we do:" & blRet
End Sub

Please help in getting this error resolved.

Thank you very much.


a a r o n . k e m p f

wow.. that sure sounds like you are having a lot of trouble with this.

I would reccomend movnig to SQL Server and using Access Data Projects
for the front end.. and SQL Server Reporting Services for the back

I think that is just a great combination; and then you wouldn't need
to worry about generating PDFs and custom DLLs.

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