


i run a small business and provide a service to clients on construction
projects. i am currently trying to design a database in Access 2003 to track
amongst other things my fee cashflow. i think i need a client table detailing
client ref number, client name and address etc. i also need a project table
that details client ref number, project ref number and project name. a table
showing the fee payment schedule for each project will also be needed and
will list all fees issued for each individual project and the date on which
they are issued and paid. i will also be able to input a cashflow for each
project by estimating how much of the remaining fee will be paid over the
next few years.
what i don't know how to do is to create a report that will detail the
project ref number, project name, total fee, amount of fee in previous years,
fee in current year, forecast for current year, estimated total for current
year ( fee + forecast) and cashflow forecast for current year +1, current
year +2, current year +3, current year +4 and remaining fee (total fee -
amounts fee'd and forecast).
i am a complete novice when it comes to Access so if i could crack the
queries, tables etc needed to do the cashflow report then i could proceed and
should produce a useful database for my business.
any help or assistance would be very much appreciated

Larry Linson

There are so many good, usable, user-friendly, flexible, and inexpensive
financial/accounting software packages that it rarely is worth one's while
to write a new one. The commercial packages, too, have the advantage that,
should your business grow, they can be turned over to an accountant /
bookkeeper who won't have a big learning curve.

An application that is vital to your business and planning is not a good
"first Access project for a complete novice"... really.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

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