Replying to e-mail in Outlook 2003


John Gill

When I hit "reply" to answer an e-mail and then send the
mail goes into Outbox but does not "send" after Send and
Receive since there it is listed as "Date:none" whereas
if I compose a new mail it is marked as "Date:today" and
it is sent OK. ANy advice would be greatly appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
When I hit "reply" to answer an e-mail and then send the
mail goes into Outbox but does not "send" after Send and
Receive since there it is listed as "Date:none" whereas
if I compose a new mail it is marked as "Date:today" and
it is sent OK. ANy advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am getting the same thing but not only when I
hit "reply" but also when I am compose a new email and
attempt to "send"

Donald McDaniel

joe said:
I am getting the same thing but not only when I
hit "reply" but also when I am compose a new email and
attempt to "send"

Open Tools|Options|Mail Setup tab, and make sure "Send immediately when
connected" is checked.

Donald L McDaniel
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John Gill

Seems to work - why is this? It solves the problem but it
would be nice to be able to send the contents of the
Outbox on a normal Send/Receive.

Donald McDaniel

John said:
Seems to work - why is this? It solves the problem but it
would be nice to be able to send the contents of the
Outbox on a normal Send/Receive.

Why is the sky blue? Why do birds fly south for the Winter? Why must I put
my left shoe on my left foot? Why, why, why...Why ask why? Just accept the
facts as they are. You will be happier in the end.

Donald L McDaniel
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Donald McDaniel

John said:
I can answer those but Outlook 2003 !!!!

Face it, John. That's just the way Outlook works. You MUST check "Send
immediately when connected" if you want your email to leave the Outbox
immediately after clicking on "Send". By the way, you also must have an
active Internet connection at the time you click on "Send' for the email to
be sent immediately. I guess I am spoiled by having an "always-on"

Otherwise, it will leave the Outbox at your regularly scheduled send/receive
time IF you have scheduled a regular send/receive for your email accout.
Click on Tools|Options|Mail Setup tab|Send/Receive button, then
1) Select the group which contains your email account
2) Check "Include this Group in Send/Receive"
3) Check "Schedule an automatic Send/Receive every"
4) Set the number of minutes between each automatic send/receive

I'm not sure, but I think pressing F9 will execute an immediate

Donald L McDaniel
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I think that you seem to be missing the real issue here.
John had "some" messages that were being sent just fine.
Within "outbox" there were messages that were not being
sent and these had their date stamped to "none".

At the same time, in the same "outbox" there are other
emails with the date stamped to "Today".

At this point when a send / receive is executed
the "today" messages are sent and the "none" messages

How does one fix the issue of messages becoming date
stamped as "none" when they should be stamped as "today"

Donald McDaniel

joe said:

I think that you seem to be missing the real issue here.
John had "some" messages that were being sent just fine.
Within "outbox" there were messages that were not being
sent and these had their date stamped to "none".

At the same time, in the same "outbox" there are other
emails with the date stamped to "Today".

At this point when a send / receive is executed
the "today" messages are sent and the "none" messages

How does one fix the issue of messages becoming date
stamped as "none" when they should be stamped as "today"

1) Read John Gill's reply to my post: He admits that the solution I suggest
solves his problem.
2) If what you say is accurate, his question should be "Why are some of my
emails not being date-stamped", in addition to "why are some of my emails
not being sent?"

I was able to answer the second question to his satisfaction. I have no
answer for the first. I have absolutely no idea why some of his emails are
not being date-stamped. On my system, every email I send is stamped with
the date and time it is sent. Perhaps that is a question more suited for
one of the Office MVPs.

To sum it up: To avoid problems in the future, make sure "Send immediately
when connected" is checked in "Tools|Options|Mail Setup tab."
Donald L McDaniel
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Hi, Joe perhaps phrased my question better than me - some
messages are sent some aren't - but Donald's solution does
seem to work. This seems to be a new feature/bug in 2003 I
didn't have this problem with 2000 but I can live with it.
Thanks for everyone's comments.

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