Replacement for WinMX


Trog Dog

Ares Galaxy is a good replacement for WinMX. The content is far more limited
than is/was available on the WPN, but if more disillusioned WinMX users make
the switch then the available content will grow (and that seems to be
happening already).

The method of sharing files seems better than winmx ever was. Sharing the
same files that I was when using winmx I'm able to d/l more files at better
rates then ever reached with winmx, and I'm not getting hammered by leeches.
When you have an inet connection that has a usage cap this is good.

In contrast to the WPN, Ares shares the load. You can only d/l in set
proportions. Under WinMX if I found a user that had a 1GB file I could d/l
from that user until either the d/l completed, the sharer broke the
connection or I broke the connection. Using Ares I can only d/l xkb before
the connection is broken and another user gets a chance to d/l, if the
original sharer still has a free slot I can d/l from them again for another
xkb, and so on (No more queueing for ever only to find that just before you
get to connect the sharer has gone offline).

Another improvement over the WPN is that if I d/l from another user that
only has a partial copy, and I have more of the file or different segments
of the file than they do then Ares automatically uploads the missing content
to them.

If you throttle your u/l bandwidth then Ares automatically puts you on leech
pause, you have to share fairly.

The Ares network seems to be designed to maximise the spread of any file
available and also make sure that everyone contributes something to the

When I first started using WinMX it was better than the other p2p apps I had
tried, since it's demise and rebirth I find Ares to be a fairer network, and
its open source and its being constantly updated.



Trog said:
Ares Galaxy is a good replacement for WinMX. The content is far more limited
than is/was available on the WPN, but if more disillusioned WinMX users make
the switch then the available content will grow (and that seems to be
happening already).

The method of sharing files seems better than winmx ever was. Sharing the
same files that I was when using winmx I'm able to d/l more files at better
rates then ever reached with winmx, and I'm not getting hammered by leeches.
When you have an inet connection that has a usage cap this is good.

In contrast to the WPN, Ares shares the load. You can only d/l in set
proportions. Under WinMX if I found a user that had a 1GB file I could d/l
from that user until either the d/l completed, the sharer broke the
connection or I broke the connection. Using Ares I can only d/l xkb before
the connection is broken and another user gets a chance to d/l, if the
original sharer still has a free slot I can d/l from them again for another
xkb, and so on (No more queueing for ever only to find that just before you
get to connect the sharer has gone offline).

Another improvement over the WPN is that if I d/l from another user that
only has a partial copy, and I have more of the file or different segments
of the file than they do then Ares automatically uploads the missing content
to them.

If you throttle your u/l bandwidth then Ares automatically puts you on leech
pause, you have to share fairly.

The Ares network seems to be designed to maximise the spread of any file
available and also make sure that everyone contributes something to the

When I first started using WinMX it was better than the other p2p apps I had
tried, since it's demise and rebirth I find Ares to be a fairer network, and
its open source and its being constantly updated.




I installed Ares Galaxy yesterday but it could not connect.
It showed "connecting" but nothing happened

Trog Dog

layne79 said:
I installed Ares Galaxy yesterday but it could not connect.
It showed "connecting" but nothing happened

It seems Ares is having problems. Checking the help forums it appears that
the network is still up you just have to be patient (just like WinMX ).
Check that you have the latest version, too.

Trog Dog

layne79 said:
I installed Ares Galaxy yesterday but it could not connect.
It showed "connecting" but nothing happened

Version 1.8.7 has been released and this appears to fix the connection

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