Repair Install


Joe Murphy

I did a repair install hoping to get the system to recognize HYPERTHREADING.
Do I need to reinstall SP1/SP2?

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

You need to install any updates not included in the CD.
To check what Service Pack may be installed:
Right click My Computer, click Properties.
If no Service Pack or "Service Pack 1" is listed on the last line under
"System", you should install SP-2:

There is no need to install SP-1.
Sp-2 includes everything in SP-1.

Yves Leclerc

Also, HyperTheading must be enabled in the BIOS. Xp will not turn it on is
it is "disabled" in the BIOS.

Joe Murphy

The BIOS doesn't say anything about HYPERTHREADING but the MB has a sticker
that says Hyperthreading enabled

R. McCarty

You can tell which HAL or Computer driver the PC is using by
opening Device Manager and expanding the Computer category.
If it says "ACPI Multiprocessor PC" then Hyperthreading is on.
Also, when HT is working, the CPU Category will have two
CPUs shown.

Almost all compliant MBs have an option in Setup to either enable
or disable Hyperthreading. Check your MB manual, for the BIOS
settings. It's usually found in the Advanced category.

You can also download/install & run Everest Home Edition. It's
an inventory program that can display data about your hardware &
software and system configuration:

Joe Murphy

I need to worry about it because I spent $300 on a HYPERTHREADING CPU
(3.06GHz Norhwood)

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

What I meant was, you probably do not need to worry about the setting since
it is "Hyperthreading enabled".

Does your Task Manager show 2 processors after you reloaded?

Joe Murphy

No it doesn't.
Thanks for the help. I'll just plow through it for awhile on my own to make
sure I haven't overlooked something.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

You mentioned you have a 3.06GHz Norhwood processor, exactly what

Joe Murphy

ECS l4vxa2 V1.0
I got the BIOS to recognize HT by downloading/installing a newer BIOS
Version. Now my plan is to do a repair install of XP and SP2. Thanks for
your help.

Michael Stevens

Joe Murphy said:
ECS l4vxa2 V1.0
I got the BIOS to recognize HT by downloading/installing a newer BIOS
Version. Now my plan is to do a repair install of XP and SP2. Thanks
for your help.

May I suggest if you have a CD burner that you create a slipstreamed XP CD
with SP2 included. This way you don't need to add it after XP is running.
See the link below for info on repair install and slipstream links. I
suggest AutoStreamer.
Click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into the address box
if using the web based newsgroup.
Repair Install
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
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