Remove MSN Explorer


Brianna W

Computer won't remove MSN Explorer. Normally when the computer is built MSN
Messenger and MSN Explorer are removed before SP2 is applied. However, MSN
Explorer was inadvertantly skipped and now trying to remove it. When you go
into Add Remove Windows
Componets and uncheck MSN Explorer the computer starts to remove , but then
wants "CD labled Messenger" and won't go past that prompt. (It appears it is
looking for custsat.dl) - Pointed it to thw i386 folder, but no help.

How can MSN Explorer now be removed?

Thanks in advance

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Insert your Windows XP CD in the CD drive, reinstall MSN Explorer
using the CD's "Install Optional Windows Components" menu selection,
then uninstall MSN Explorer.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Get Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies:



| Computer won't remove MSN Explorer. Normally when the computer is built MSN
| Messenger and MSN Explorer are removed before SP2 is applied. However, MSN
| Explorer was inadvertantly skipped and now trying to remove it. When you go
| into Add Remove Windows
| Componets and uncheck MSN Explorer the computer starts to remove , but then
| wants "CD labled Messenger" and won't go past that prompt. (It appears it is
| looking for custsat.dl) - Pointed it to thw i386 folder, but no help.
| How can MSN Explorer now be removed?
| Thanks in advance

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