Remove/Disable Netware client



Somehow I have managed to install both the Microsoft
Networking client and the NetWare client. I would like
to disabel or remove the NetWare client, but I can find
no instructions on how to do this. Can anyone help?
Thanks, Wayne

Richard G. Harper

In the Control Panel open the Network Connections tool, then right-click
your network connection and select Properties. That should show you a list
of installed protocols and have a "Remove" button to remove unwanted


Thanks, I will give it a try! Wayne

-----Original Message-----
In the Control Panel open the Network Connections tool, then right-click
your network connection and select Properties. That should show you a list
of installed protocols and have a "Remove" button to remove unwanted

Richard G. Harper [MVP Win9x] (e-mail address removed)
* PLEASE post all messages and replies in the newsgroups
* for the benefit of all. Private mail is usually not replied to.
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Somehow I have managed to install both the Microsoft
Networking client and the NetWare client. I would like
to disabel or remove the NetWare client, but I can find
no instructions on how to do this. Can anyone help?
Thanks, Wayne


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