Remote Desktop



I am able to VPN and use Remote Desktop on my desktop at home (using Windows XP Professional) to connect to my Windows XP Professional workstation at work - no issues. Recently, I purchased a new laptop with Windows XP Home and I am attempting the same process and receive "Connection to the remote computer was broken. This may have ben caused by a network error. Please try connecting to the remote computer again" after about 30 sec. I can connect using Remote Desktop to any Windows 2000 server on the network - just having issues connecting to my Windows XP Professional workstation. Any ideas? Thanks.



XP Home has issues in a "domain" environment. Try adding
a local user account on your XP Pro computer and use this
account for remote access from the XP Home laptop.

-----Original Message-----
I am able to VPN and use Remote Desktop on my desktop at
home (using Windows XP Professional) to connect to my
Windows XP Professional workstation at work - no issues.
Recently, I purchased a new laptop with Windows XP Home
and I am attempting the same process and
receive "Connection to the remote computer was broken.
This may have ben caused by a network error. Please try
connecting to the remote computer again" after about 30
sec. I can connect using Remote Desktop to any Windows
2000 server on the network - just having issues
connecting to my Windows XP Professional workstation.
Any ideas? Thanks.

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