Remote Desktop to Vista PC outside domain from Vista pc on domain credential problem


Karl Rhodes

Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone know why I get a dialog box with the following
message whenever I try to Remote Desktop to a Vista Ultimate pc which
is not on the domain from another Vista Ultimate pc which is...

Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials
to log on to the remote computer <ip address> because its identity in
not fully verified. Please enter new credentials.

However, when I enter the correct credentials it will allow me to
connect. If I close the connection, use the same credentials and check
the "Remember my credentials" checkbox and try it still lets me
connect. Once I've connected this way, if I close the connection and
try to connect again I get the same error as before.

Something is obviously not allowing these credentials to be saved, but
for the life of me I can't find out why. Does anyone know why this is
happening and/or how to fix/get around it?


Jeffrey Randow

AFAIK, Windows isn't able to cache passwords to computers you access
via IP addresses...

Also, make sure you check the text in the Advanced Tab under

Karl Rhodes

AFAIK, Windows isn't able to cache passwords to computers you access
via IP addresses...

Also, make sure you check the text in the Advanced Tab under

Hi Jeffrey,

My remote machines (non domain) all have entires in the Domain Vista
machine's hosts file and we use that to make the Remote desktop
connections. Also the problem only seems to occur between Vista to
Vista machines. When we try to connect from Vista (Domain) to XP (non
domain) the connection works just fine with no message asking for the


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