Remote Desktop Print




I've posted previously concerning this issue, here's the sinerio I'm logging
in remotely to another computer in a completely different
building and completely different domain.
I'm using Remote Desktop
Is there anyway to be able to print to a printer on my network when I'm
logged into that w/s.
I'm using XP Pro on both w/s.
I've checked marked for Local Resources and the printer box is checked (it
already was) but I still can't access or I don't see the local printer on
the desktop I just logged into. Is there some other installation that I've


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Yes, you did indeed post the same question before
and it appears you never took the time to carry out
the simple tests that were suggested to you. Why start
a new thread now? You will get the same answers:
Perform the recommended tests so that you and the
respondents know where you stand!


wow, alrighty then.. Why would I install a printer that I don't have when I
already can't see the
one that's installed? I started a new thread because I posted more last
Thursday and didn't
receive a response. Good morning to you too!

R. McCarty

Your Vendor/Model printer driver must be installed on the Remote
Server/Desktop. Once that is done, your local resources will work.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

You are posting your question because you're stuck,
much like a car that is stuck in a snow drift. There is
nothing wrong with this. Other people have been in
the same situation before, and some managed to get
unstuck. If you reject their suggestions (which are
based on experience) then you are likely to remain
stuck until the snow melts (or until you change your
approach). The decision is yours.


I'm not going to go back and forth with you, but Pegasus that is why I
pay over $500.00/year for this service, to have someone else get me unstuck
due to
my lack of time to do the proper research.


I'm not going to go back and forth with you, but Pegasus that is why I
pay over $500.00/year for this service, to have someone else get me
unstuck due to
my lack of time to do the proper research.

$500/year for what service? You are posting in a public newsgroup hosted
on Microsoft servers. While some MS employees occasionally post here,
the majority of regular posters (like me) are volunteers who don't work
for the company. We don't get paid. If you are really paying $500/year
for some service, you should call them up for help because you're in
the wrong place.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Your initial post was actually a very, very rare exception:
It attracted a reply from a Microsoft employee (which
you also ignored). My advice (which would most likely
have solved your problem after some initial tests) was free,
same as the advice given by the vast majority of all
other respondents in this forum such as Malke.


I'm not going to go back and forth with you, but Pegasus that is why I
pay over $500.00/year for this service, to have someone else get me unstuck
due to
my lack of time to do the proper research.

hmmm..I haven't seen any of that $500 you spend a year to use this
*free* newsgroup all of the posters to which are volunteers. Care to
deposit some of that to my pay pal account?

Steven Wang [MSFT]


Thank you for posting.

From your post, my understanding of this issue is: The local printers
cannot be redirect to Remote Desktop session. If this is not correct,
please feel free to let me know.

Based on my experience, this issue may be caused by either of the following

1. The printer on your network uses port that does not begin with COM, LPT,
or USB.
2. The driver of the printer is not included in Windows XP.

I think this is also why Pegasus has suggested we perform the test. By
installing a local printer which driver is included in Windows XP (even
though you do not have the printer device), we may be able to narrow down
the issue to either a system related problem or a configuration related

I would suggest you first verify the printer to see whether one of the
above two factors is the case on your side.

For the first factor, you may refer to the following KB article to see
whether the issue can be resolved:

Printers That Use Ports That Do Not Begin With COM, LPT, or USB Are Not

For the second factor, just like R. McCarty has mentioned that the
Vendor/Model printer driver must be installed on the Remote Desktop host
machine, you may install the printer driver on the Remote Desktop host
machine, and then test the issue again.

If the issue still exists, I would suggest we refer to Pegasus' suggestion
to install a local printer to test this issue, and then let us know the
result of your test.

Hope the above information helps. Should you have any question or
concerns, please feel free to let me know. I am glad to be of assistance.

Have a nice day!

Steven Wang (MSFT)
Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support

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Microsoft engineers can only focus on one issue per thread. Although we
provide other information for your reference, we recommend you post
different incidents in different threads to keep the thread clean. In doing
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For urgent issues, you may want to contact Microsoft CSS directly. Please
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Any input or comments in this thread are highly appreciated.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

<[email protected]>


Thanks for the reply, when I install the driver do I need to assign it to a
specifc port?

R. McCarty

No, when the Remote Desktop session starts it will look for the
presence of the driver on the destination machine. As long as it
is available the Local Resource will map will using the RD. You
can check the System Event log on the client ( if its NT Based)
and it will log a mapping event for the local resources.


Thanks Steve,

I did Pegasus's suggestion, I don't recall what printer I used but once I
did a local install I was able to see the that printer on the Remote
Desktop. Something that I failed to mention is that the printer I can't see
is shared off the server (this is a remote site so it's difficult for me to
get there and I'm usually in a hurry), so because it's shared off the server
does that mean I won't be able to see it from the Remote Desktop? I did
install the drivers as well on the remote desktop with no success of being
able to see it (per McCarty's suggestion). Also I do have the printer that
I can't see set as default I don't know if that matters or not.
I can't think of anything else.

Thanks again,

Pegasus \(MVP\)

By installing a simple printer and by actually seeing it under
a Remote Desktop session, you have established that your
setup is correct. Your problem is therefore caused by the
actual printer you're trying to use. We now need further
- What brand and model is this printer?
- Is it a multi-function printer?
- What port does it use on the remote machine?

There is a somewhat confusing statement in your note
below. You write "the printer [..] is shared off the server".
Now I thought your setup was like so:
- You have a server at some remote location.
- You sit in front of your own PC.
- Your PC has a printer attached.
- On your PC, you run mstsc.exe in order to operate the
remote server.
- While operating the remote server, you wish to print
something on the printer attached to your PC.
Now this is NOT what you write. Please clarify.

Steven Wang [MSFT]


Thanks for your reply and taking time to let me know the additional
information. Also thanks for Pegasus's kind inputs.

Since this is a network printer (shared off a server), I would like to
confirm with you that whether you have performed the steps of KB article
302361 to add a FilterQueueType registry value? If not, I would suggest we
add this registry value to see whether this issue can be resolved. For
detailed information, see:

Printers That Use Ports That Do Not Begin With COM, LPT, or USB Are Not

If you have added this registry value but the issue still exists, I would
suggest we refer to the following steps to see whether the issue can be

1. Install the latest version of Remote Desktop Client 5.2.3790 on the
Remote Desktop client machine.

Remote Desktop Client is a build-in component on Windows XP system, however
the version of Remote Desktop Client on Windows XP SP2 is 5.1.2600, and the
redirection of network printer may not work with this version of RDC. The
latest version of RDC can be installed from a Windows Server 2003 CD. To
install the latest version of RDC, please refer to the following steps:

a. Insert a Windows Server 2003 CD into the CD/DVD-ROM.
b. Navigate to \Support\Tools folder.
c. Double click on MSRDPCLI.EXE file to install the RDC.

If you do not have a Windows Server 2003 CD, please let me know your valid
email address, and then I can send this installation file to you. You may
let me know your email address by sending an email to me at
(e-mail address removed).

Note: You must access the new client by going through Start\All
Programs\Accessories\Communications\Remote Desktop Connection. If you go
into the Start\Run and type MSTSC in to the run dialogue then hit Enter, it
will bring up the original version of the RDP client (build 5.1).

2. If the issue still exists, we may perform a test to map the network
printer to a local LTP port.

You can use the following command:

net use lpt3 \\servername\printer /persistent:yes

This command maps the network printer to the local port LPT3. You can then
install the correct drivers for that printer as though the printer was
installed on LPT3. If this is done, the printer on LPT3 is redirected when
you connect to the Remote Desktop session. This also works with LPT1 and
LPT2, as long as there is not a local device on either of these ports.

Hope the above information helps. Please take your time in trying my
suggestions and let me know the results at your earliest convenience. I
look forward to hearing from you soon.

Have a nice weekend!

Steven Wang (MSFT)
Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support

From: "Pegasus \(MVP\)" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Remote Desktop Print (duplicate thread)
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 00:09:17 +1100
Lines: 163
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
Path: TK2MSFTNGXA02.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP08.phx.gbl!tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl
Xref: TK2MSFTNGXA02.phx.gbl microsoft.public.windowsxp.general:1411368
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general

By installing a simple printer and by actually seeing it under
a Remote Desktop session, you have established that your
setup is correct. Your problem is therefore caused by the
actual printer you're trying to use. We now need further
- What brand and model is this printer?
- Is it a multi-function printer?
- What port does it use on the remote machine?

There is a somewhat confusing statement in your note
below. You write "the printer [..] is shared off the server".
Now I thought your setup was like so:
- You have a server at some remote location.
- You sit in front of your own PC.
- Your PC has a printer attached.
- On your PC, you run mstsc.exe in order to operate the
remote server.
- While operating the remote server, you wish to print
something on the printer attached to your PC.
Now this is NOT what you write. Please clarify.

Thanks Steve,

I did Pegasus's suggestion, I don't recall what printer I used but once I
did a local install I was able to see the that printer on the Remote
Desktop. Something that I failed to mention is that the printer I can't see
is shared off the server (this is a remote site so it's difficult for me to
get there and I'm usually in a hurry), so because it's shared off the server
does that mean I won't be able to see it from the Remote Desktop? I did
install the drivers as well on the remote desktop with no success of being
able to see it (per McCarty's suggestion). Also I do have the printer that
I can't see set as default I don't know if that matters or not.
I can't think of anything else.

Thanks again,

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