I have been reading the posts on this but cannot find an answer.
I have a XP Desktop that I want to connect to with a HP Vista Ultimate Laptop.
I have set up The desktop for receiving.
I have dowloaded new version of Remote Desktop to XP desktop.
Click the Remote tab, select the Allow users to connect remotely to this
computer check box, and then click OK.
Next, make sure you have Windows Firewall set up to allow exceptions.
In the Control Panel, click Security Center.
Under Manage security settings for, click Windows Firewall.
Make sure the Don't allow exceptions check box is not selected.
Click the Exceptions tab, and verify that the Remote Desktop check box is
Click OK, and then close the Windows Security Center window.
Your host computer is now set up to allow remote access.
You will need the name of the host computer.
In Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, click System, and then
click the Computer Name tab
Write down the full computer name, and then click OK.
Close Control Panel.
Leave this computer running, locked, and connected to the corporate network
with Internet access.
Now it says for laptop setup:
On your laptop computer, click Start, point to All Programs, and then point
to Accessories.
In the Accessories menu, point to Communications, and then click Remote
Desktop Connection.
In the Computer box, type the computer name of your host computer, which
you wrote down earlier.
Click Connect.
When the Log On to Windows dialog box appears, type your user name,
password, and domain (if required), and then click OK.
Where do I find this "User Name & Password" ??
I do not have a password to log onto my desktop.
I dont know where to look to find it if I have one.
OR do I need to set one up, how do I do that?
I have a XP Desktop that I want to connect to with a HP Vista Ultimate Laptop.
I have set up The desktop for receiving.
I have dowloaded new version of Remote Desktop to XP desktop.
Click the Remote tab, select the Allow users to connect remotely to this
computer check box, and then click OK.
Next, make sure you have Windows Firewall set up to allow exceptions.
In the Control Panel, click Security Center.
Under Manage security settings for, click Windows Firewall.
Make sure the Don't allow exceptions check box is not selected.
Click the Exceptions tab, and verify that the Remote Desktop check box is
Click OK, and then close the Windows Security Center window.
Your host computer is now set up to allow remote access.
You will need the name of the host computer.
In Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, click System, and then
click the Computer Name tab
Write down the full computer name, and then click OK.
Close Control Panel.
Leave this computer running, locked, and connected to the corporate network
with Internet access.
Now it says for laptop setup:
On your laptop computer, click Start, point to All Programs, and then point
to Accessories.
In the Accessories menu, point to Communications, and then click Remote
Desktop Connection.
In the Computer box, type the computer name of your host computer, which
you wrote down earlier.
Click Connect.
When the Log On to Windows dialog box appears, type your user name,
password, and domain (if required), and then click OK.
Where do I find this "User Name & Password" ??
I do not have a password to log onto my desktop.
I dont know where to look to find it if I have one.
OR do I need to set one up, how do I do that?