Regretting Vista



Two weeks ago I bought a new Dell and had Vista factory installed.

When I received the computer and booted it up I was amazed and pleased
with the appearance and over all first impression of Vista. And then
reality set in...

I cannot use AdMuncher with Vista. IE7 with Vista will not access the
internet with AdMuncher installed (not running - INSTALLED!).

I cannot install Firefox 2.0 with Vista. I can download the install
program but all I get when I try to install is the goofy pop-up that says
a previous install didn't complete correctly. Over and over and over

Everytime I access a directory with .avi files in it, I get multiple pop-
ups telling me that COM Surrogate (or some such nonsense) has stopped
working and must restart.

I cannot burn DVD's with Windows DVD Maker. Everytime I try I get an
error message saying that Windows DVD Maker must restart.

I cannot install Nero DVD Suite. Just like Firefox it simply will not

IE7 will not remember my log-ins or passwords for frequently visited
websites. Even though I have fiddled with the settings to try to get it
to remember, it still will not.

Windows Vista is like a trophy wife: It looks relly pretty but will not

I so wish I could revert my new computer to XP SP2 but I simply hate the
idea of going out and spending ANOTHER couple of hundred dollars to buy a
full version of XP...

Another case of 20/20 Hindsight.

Joe Medford

Admuchers has issues not mater what. FF installed fine but has issues the

Big issues with the OEMS are they keep installing crap. Remove any of the
google desktop search, tools bars, sidebar etc.
I have noticed that the OEMS have installed programs in december, with
programs that are not compatible with Vista.

Bill Thomas

Sounds like you have an issue with the dell computer you bought and not
loading the right drivers and software. Your issue is not Vista. I am
running Firefox, Thunderbird, and even ACDsee (which is supposed to be
incompatible) with no problems. Call Dell....


That is ridiculous. What does Dell have to do with AdMuncher, Firefox,
Nero...? And drivers have absolutely NOTHING to do with it - drivers
allow the software and hardware to interface correctly.

And just so you know, this is the second Dell I have bought in the last
six months. The first one came with XP Media Center pre-installed and it
runs EVERYTHING I want to run flawlessly and with no special hoops to
jump through - They are identical configurations except for the OS.

THAT tells me that the problem is with Vista, not Dell.

Joe Medford

No, thay tells me that there are problems with the programs you are
installed, not a MSFT or Dell problem


Same here! I actually did and upgrade from Home XP to Vista and with the
exception of some minor issues that most people would not even notice I have
absolutely no problems and I was even able to figure out how to sync my old
Palm Treo. Vista is great!
Dell is the problem with this.

Mark \(MCP\)

The question to start narrowing down the problem is... did this Dell system
run Vista without any problems before installing any additional software?

Did AdMuncher come pre-installed from Dell?

Peter M

Firefox installs arnd runs fine for me. Latest nero also installs and runs
fine. avi/com surrogate is caused by older ver of divx and some say xvid ...
nero can also cause this, but renaming a file fixes it (can't remember the
file name offhand). Also changing folder options to "always show icons
instead of thumbnails" will fix com surrogate.


Azul said:
Two weeks ago I bought a new Dell and had Vista factory installed.

When I received the computer and booted it up I was amazed and pleased
with the appearance and over all first impression of Vista. And then
reality set in...

I cannot use AdMuncher with Vista. IE7 with Vista will not access the
internet with AdMuncher installed (not running - INSTALLED!).

Never seen AdMuncher, but I don't see a reason to use what I suspect it is.
I cannot install Firefox 2.0 with Vista. I can download the install
program but all I get when I try to install is the goofy pop-up that says
a previous install didn't complete correctly. Over and over and over

I have a virgin install of Vista Business and browsed to the download site,
selected FireFox and it installed perfectly without any issues, in fact, I'm
using it as my primary browser.
Everytime I access a directory with .avi files in it, I get multiple pop-
ups telling me that COM Surrogate (or some such nonsense) has stopped
working and must restart.

Sounds like, based on all the other things you've mentioned, that you've
corrupted your installation with non-vista compliant apps.
I cannot burn DVD's with Windows DVD Maker. Everytime I try I get an
error message saying that Windows DVD Maker must restart.

I cannot install Nero DVD Suite. Just like Firefox it simply will not

You didn't say which one, and not all of them are compatible with Vista.
IE7 will not remember my log-ins or passwords for frequently visited
websites. Even though I have fiddled with the settings to try to get it
to remember, it still will not.

Windows Vista is like a trophy wife: It looks relly pretty but will not

Sorry, but, I now have 3 computers with Vista Business installed, two are
older laptops (just P4 3.2Ghz machines with 2GB RAM) and one Desktop. While
I agree that it looks like a trophy wife, and an expensive one, it seems to
work fine.
I so wish I could revert my new computer to XP SP2 but I simply hate the
idea of going out and spending ANOTHER couple of hundred dollars to buy a
full version of XP...

Another case of 20/20 Hindsight.

Anyone that purchases a NEW OS before it's been on the street for 6 months,
or the first SP, is going to expect growing pains, at least anyone that has
used a computer before.

You could have got a PC without Vista. I won't be using Vista for any of my
production machines until at least June, but I'll keep it on one or two just
so that I can test with apps that we use.

Try restoring the machine from scratch using the restore media and this time
don't install unapproved applications and see if you have the same problems.

Joe Medford

It is so sad that these manufactors are not working harder to improve their

Bill Thomas

DUDE, I should have got a DELL!!!! NOT!!! I build my own and have no
problems with Vista.... please, do some research and get a clue!

Mark \(MCP\)

Whether you build your own computer or buy the computer from an OEM vendor
(i.e. Dell, HP, etc.), Vista problems are inevitable, if not now, they may
occur later. Its all a matter of what you do in Vista and the connected or
connecting hardware.

Mark \(MCP\)

Once a vendor or manufacturer sells their product(s), they don't care after
that point. I've seen this over the past several years.


I should have known better than to post anything on a MS Newsgroup. All
one gets here is a bunch of MS shilling.

Bill Thomas

fine, go buy a mac.... You don't seem to want to hear anything except
your anti-ms bias.

Peter Hayes

Azul said:
Two weeks ago I bought a new Dell and had Vista factory installed.

When I received the computer and booted it up I was amazed and pleased
with the appearance and over all first impression of Vista. And then
reality set in...

I cannot install Nero DVD Suite.

Nero 6 won't install here either, Vista puts up a message warning of
incompatabilities. Presumably Nero 7 works, but that's more money out...
I so wish I could revert my new computer to XP SP2 but I simply hate the
idea of going out and spending ANOTHER couple of hundred dollars to buy a
full version of XP...

Get an OEM copy of XP?

Joe Medford

I have been running Vista since November, have not had any problems, and
have never looked back. Don't know why so many people are having issues.
Alot of my customers have ordered Vista and have had 0 issues

"Anyone that purchases a NEW OS before it's been on the street for 6 months,
or the first SP, is going to expect growing pains, at least anyone that has
used a computer before."

Mark \(MCP\)

Ever computer's hardware configuration and Vista installation varies. That
is why some Vista users are experiencing problems. There are no products
that are 100% error free, or bug free.

Mark \(MCP\)

Are you installing Nero in Vista?

Peter Hayes said:
Nero 6 won't install here either, Vista puts up a message warning of
incompatabilities. Presumably Nero 7 works, but that's more money out...

Get an OEM copy of XP?


Immunity is better than innoculation.


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