Registry Editor help please

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Although I don't really know what I am doing, I got some help here yesterday
and managed to somehow do a successful fix in Registry Editor relating to
'open with'.
However, I also tried to restore any settings in 'open with' to XP defaults,
which I think I did wrong, and more importantly I now have lost the
capability to 'browse' for a program to use from 'open with'.

I think the details below are what I need here ...
I have found the right location in Registry Editor and tried to do what they
say, but I don't know if I'm doing it right. I am especially unsure of what
exactly to do with the final step. Part of my trouble is not understanding
what are 'comments' below rather than actual data to input.

Following the text below, I have made 5 screengrabs to show you what I have
so far done; I think the 5th one shows where I need special help on what to
do and how to do it.

Many thanks.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Hint 101...

Before physically changing any entry in the Registry, first locate the
item in the Registry you wish to change. Click on that item to highlight it.

With the item highlighted, from the menubar, select:

| File | Export |

A file save window will open. Use a name appropriate to the item being
altered. The file will be saved with a filename extension of ".REG".

Should you need to remove your modifications, just execute the REG file you
saved. Double-clicking on a .REG file causes its' contents to be copied back
to the Registry.

Or you can right-click on the .REG file. From the drop-down list, select
'Merge'. You'll be asked if you wish to add the contents back into the
Thanks Wayne,

I'll bear that in mind for next time.
Regarding my actual question, someone else has replied to a similar thread
of mine, to explain how to apply registry changes using a .reg file.

I only made this new thread because adding a reply to the other one didn't
bump it back from page 5 to the top of this newsgroup. Should it have? If
not, I'm surprised if any replies beyond the front page get noticed?

lee said:
Thanks Wayne,

I'll bear that in mind for next time.
Regarding my actual question, someone else has replied to a similar thread
of mine, to explain how to apply registry changes using a .reg file.

I only made this new thread because adding a reply to the other one didn't
bump it back from page 5 to the top of this newsgroup. Should it have? If
not, I'm surprised if any replies beyond the front page get noticed?


Lee that's because you're using the web or CDO interface. Try using a
newsreader for a much better experience. XP comes with one built in,
Outlook Express. There are others as well. Here is a primer on how to
use OE for newsgroups:
I only made this new thread because adding a reply to the other one didn't
bump it back from page 5 to the top of this newsgroup. Should it have? If
not, I'm surprised if any replies beyond the front page get noticed?

No need for that, as (I would think) the vast majority of users here are
using a newsreader client which makes much easier to keep track of new
posts. If you plan on becoming a regular "visitor" to this (or more)
newsgroup(s) you may want to consider start using a news reader (Outlook
Express is capable of this) because it's easier to use and keep track of
messages than the web interface.
Thanks guys, I see.
I only come here when I mess something up!
I'm used to web forum softwares, where new replies appear at the top.
I suppose this here is like a Usenet kind of thing? I have never used them
btw, I don't know if this site theoretically is meant to be cross-browser /
newsgroup compatible, (presumably not, Mr Microsoft !) but viewing your
replies in Firefox has html entity issues. (looks fine in IE6 and with more
sophisticated web display)

(I have added the quotes around the actual characters below)
The '>' at the start of included text lines in replies shows as '>' and '"'
shows as '"'

I don't know if this is related to where you reply from ...
Just pointing it out anyway, having recently been grappling with such issues
myself elsewhere.

btw I recently saw a phase of such entities appearing in a web forum / mail
list program I host, when people replied from hotmail. I never understood it
and for now the problem seems to have gone away by itself ...

lol I wondered how to cheat the encoding there, and failed ...
Here it is again, so ignore the spaces:

(I have added the quotes around the actual characters below)
The ' > ' at the start of included text lines in replies shows as ' & g t ; '
' " '
shows as ' & q u o t ; '
lee said:
lol I wondered how to cheat the encoding there, and failed ...
Here it is again, so ignore the spaces:

(I have added the quotes around the actual characters below)
The ' > ' at the start of included text lines in replies shows as ' & g t ; '
' " '
shows as ' & q u o t ; '

lee you need to quote the reply (or at least a part of it) to which you
are replying, otherwise you're just chatting with yourself.
hello again,

Just to hijack my own thread here with a related query ;

Does Microsoft or someone else offer a free Registry Checker / Repairer
which searches for and fixes _all_ found errors?
I ask because I stumbled across the idea of scanning my registry but the 2
programs I found are restricted functionality trial versions.

lee said:
hello again,

Just to hijack my own thread here with a related query ;

Does Microsoft or someone else offer a free Registry Checker /
Repairer which searches for and fixes _all_ found errors?
I ask because I stumbled across the idea of scanning my registry but
the 2 programs I found are restricted functionality trial versions.


No. RegClean is not supported on XP. Stay away from registry cleaners.
If you don't know enough about the registry to hand-edit, you shouldn't
be in there anyway.

lee said:
hello again,

Just to hijack my own thread here with a related query ;

Does Microsoft or someone else offer a free Registry Checker / Repairer
which searches for and fixes _all_ found errors?
I ask because I stumbled across the idea of scanning my registry but the 2
programs I found are restricted functionality trial versions.


Best advise, avoid registry cleaners. They cause more problems then
they solve.
Thankyou for your 3 adamant replies about not using Registry Cleaners.
I had already run one which had apparently 'fixed' about 500 out of 1000
errrors, so I hope this didn't do any harm.
lee said:
Thankyou for your 3 adamant replies about not using Registry Cleaners.
I had already run one which had apparently 'fixed' about 500 out of 1000
errrors, so I hope this didn't do any harm.

Hopefully you made a full backup before running the reg cleaner.
Rock said:
Hopefully you made a full backup before running the reg cleaner.

No, I ignored the warnings and didn't bother, to be honest.
I can't see anything working wrongly so far.

I first came across a website which itself seemed to be just a 'click here'
registry cleaning site, but I thought that was a bit dodgy, so I used the
limited trial version of Registry Cleaner Pro 4 (I think).

btw the reason I tried this was in a hope to fix my problem (and many
others' problem) with the Yahoo Launchcast player, which I saw recommended
The trouble with Launchcast is that recently the Flash player fails to load
properly in IE6. I'd already tried reinstalling Macromedia Flash Player 7,
although I was a little confused as to where my XP stores the IE plugins;
I've seen the PLUGINS folder in Internet Explorer but there also seems to be
a related folder in WINDOWS/system32/Macromed/.

Needless to say, the (partial) registry clean hasn't helped.

lee said:

No, I ignored the warnings and didn't bother, to be honest.
I can't see anything working wrongly so far.

I first came across a website which itself seemed to be just a 'click here'
registry cleaning site, but I thought that was a bit dodgy, so I used the
limited trial version of Registry Cleaner Pro 4 (I think).

btw the reason I tried this was in a hope to fix my problem (and many
others' problem) with the Yahoo Launchcast player, which I saw recommended
The trouble with Launchcast is that recently the Flash player fails to load
properly in IE6. I'd already tried reinstalling Macromedia Flash Player 7,
although I was a little confused as to where my XP stores the IE plugins;
I've seen the PLUGINS folder in Internet Explorer but there also seems to be
a related folder in WINDOWS/system32/Macromed/.

Needless to say, the (partial) registry clean hasn't helped.


Well I hope you don't start to see problems crop up - little niggling
things that build over time. If you are going to use a registry cleaner
always have a full backup - always. That should be so whether you use
one or not. Data loss is not an issue of if but when.
thanks again Rock and Jack.
I think I will try RegscrupXP.exe and hopefully finish the job that I have
so far left unfinished.
I think I probably won't do it again, though !

btw Jack did you actually mean RegscrubXP.exe with a 'b' ?

If you have hundreds of dead links in the registry, you might have to run it
a few times to get rid of them all. But it has worked well for me. If you
are in doubt about it make a registry backup before using it.
It has a GREAT MISC. file with lots of tips and tricks for XP also.
Good Day