Registry Cleaner Tips

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A good registry cleaner can help fix several common computer ailments.
If you're experiencing problems such as frequent error message, slow
bootups, crashes and freezes, and overall sluggish performance, you
probably have errors in the Windows registry. These errors can cause
Windows to "trip" over itself when looking for files related to
hardware and software settings and configurations, which are vitally
important to the proper functioning of your PC.
Can I fix it myself?
In most cases, the answer is a resounding "NO!" Tinkering with regedit
(the editing program that comes with Windows) is not for the faint of
heart, nor for novices looking to poke around. Unless you know about
HKEYs, Hives, and Values, you are better off leaving the registry
alone. Making changes can result in a computer that doesn't even load
Windows anymore, let alone run smoothly.
What can a registry cleaner do for me?
In most cases, a good registry repair utility can make marked
improvements in the performance of your PC. Because these settings and
files are vulnerable to corruption just like any other file in your
computer, they are a very common cause of computer problems....

Registry Repair:
A good registry cleaner can help fix several common computer ailments.
If you're experiencing problems such as frequent error message, slow
bootups, crashes and freezes, and overall sluggish performance, you
probably have errors in the Windows registry. These errors can cause
Windows to "trip" over itself when looking for files related to
hardware and software settings and configurations, which are vitally
important to the proper functioning of your PC.
Can I fix it myself?
In most cases, the answer is a resounding "NO!" Tinkering with regedit
(the editing program that comes with Windows) is not for the faint of
heart, nor for novices looking to poke around. Unless you know about
HKEYs, Hives, and Values, you are better off leaving the registry
alone. Making changes can result in a computer that doesn't even load
Windows anymore, let alone run smoothly.
What can a registry cleaner do for me?
In most cases, a good registry repair utility can make marked
improvements in the performance of your PC. Because these settings and
files are vulnerable to corruption just like any other file in your
computer, they are a very common cause of computer problems....

Having used both a registry cleaner and regedit in various versions of
windows including XP, I've never broken the OS by conservative use of both.
But, there's no doubt either method can easily break the OS.

Using the PC as tool, not as an experimental toy goes a long way.

The only fool-proof way is to keep user files off of the windows partition.
Restore an image of the newly installed OS and apps, or reinstall them with
drivers. There is no doubt the registry is relatively clean at that point.
In the event the PC becomes contemptibly lethargic, not only use this
method. But also the user should examine their usage of the PC.
A good registry cleaner can help fix several common computer ailments.

This is both spam, and erroneous information.

Registry cleaning programs are *all* snake oil. Cleaning of the
registry isn't needed and is dangerous. Leave the registry alone and
don't use any registry cleaner. Despite what many people think, and
what vendors of registry cleaning software try to convince you of,
having unused registry entries doesn't really hurt you.

The risk of a serious problem caused by a registry cleaner erroneously
removing an entry you need is far greater than any potential benefit
it may have.

A good registry cleaner can help fix several common computer

This is both spam, and erroneous information.[/QUOTE]

Doesnt' come close to the definition of spam. Apparently you don't know
what spam is.
Citations re erroneous?

That is not spam and it IS valid information. YOU are however abusing
the group with your erroneous information. Every time you post this it
makes you look more and more foolish, but most of us know it's just your
own ignorance and inexperience at work.
Registry cleaning programs are *all* snake oil.

Citation? Completely wrong and misinformed as you usually are.

Cleaning of the
registry isn't needed and is dangerous.

It sometimes IS needed and from reliable sources has NEVER been
dangerous or caused ANY damage of any kind of any computer I have owned
or client's machine I have used it on. That is a moronic statement from

Leave the registry alone and
don't use any registry cleaner. Despite what many people think, and
what vendors of registry cleaning software try to convince you of,
having unused registry entries doesn't really hurt you.

And despite what a couple ignorant closed minds, parrot and non-thinking
followers here try to convince you of, there are very valid reasons for
using a registry cleaner and the subject of "unused registry entries"
was NOT the context it was used in; that is YOUR misdirection in order
to attempt to support your OWN misinformation. The context was much
broader than that.
The risk of a serious problem caused by a registry cleaner erroneously
removing an entry you need is far greater than any potential benefit
it may have.

Well, let's see: I have records going back 7 years. No records prior to
that. I have NEVER had my registry cleaner cause a problem or
erroneously remove and entry I needed, (although it's possible and can
be undone if it ever does happen), and it's fixed myriad problems over
the years; I wonder what kind of problem would be "far greater than any"
"benefit" for me and for the many, many people like me with similar
backgrounds and experiences?

I can no longer consider you anything but totally ignorant. A lot of
your comments now and then could easily be libelous and result in rather
strong law suits that could infringe on your use of the 'net and any
computer at all as a matter of fact. But it's OK; you've now been shown
for the ignorant closed minded dummy that you are. Ignorant being the
operative word there. Sorry if you consider that calling you names; I
simply call it calling 'em as I sees 'em.

Twayne wrote:

I can no longer consider you anything but totally ignorant. A lot of
your comments now and then could easily be libelous and result in
rather strong law suits that could infringe on your use of the 'net
and any computer at all as a matter of fact. But it's OK; you've now
been shown for the ignorant closed minded dummy that you are. Ignorant
being the operative word there. Sorry if you consider that
calling you names; I simply call it calling 'em as I sees 'em.


Tell us how you really feel, oh seller of registry cleaners.

Use of a registry cleaner is similar to a vaccination for Malaria: if you
intend to delve into a swamp, it might be of some detectable value. If, on
the other hand, you live out your life in Bakersfield mobile home, why risk
the sometimes adverse reaction?
you can argue with the
experts who made windows
and know their system better
than anyone else:



"HeyBub" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
Twayne wrote:

I can no longer consider
you anything but totally
ignorant. A lot of
your comments now and then
could easily be libelous
and result in
rather strong law suits
that could infringe on your
use of the 'net
and any computer at all as
a matter of fact. But it's
OK; you've now
been shown for the ignorant
closed minded dummy that
you are. Ignorant being the
operative word there.
Sorry if you consider that
calling you names; I simply
call it calling 'em as I
sees 'em.


Tell us how you really feel,
oh seller of registry

Use of a registry cleaner is
similar to a vaccination for
Malaria: if you intend to
delve into a swamp, it might
be of some detectable value.
If, on the other hand, you
live out your life in
Bakersfield mobile home, why
risk the sometimes adverse
well, I have always disagreed
with the microsoft mvp's
threads pertaining to registry

the result of the dogma has
never benefitted people who
were in need of assistance
and instead received fear and
intimidation by persons
themselves as microsoft

however, on the other hand we
should be mindful of malicious
postings that pretend to be
favorable for registry
when in fact they are trying
snare persons who are in need
of help.

in my opinion, anyone posting
unsolicited statements and
links, is simply spamming.



<[email protected]>
wrote in message
the one care scanner is a
different product, though it
shares some of the qualities
that the money ware suite
provides. if I recall the
money ware version does not
include the free registry



<[email protected]>
wrote in message
Registry Cleaners are a tool and nothing else. You can't expect it to cure
all your problems, that is unrealistic. In the hands of a trained technical
person it is a good thing. In the hands of the average joe it can lead to
disaster much in the same way a chainsaw in the hands of a qualified person
can generate wanted output but in the hand of the wrong person using it for
the wrong job a complete disaster. Don't attempt to blame the chainsaw!!!

Every person is not qualified to use every tool...

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