


it is unclear as to the reason
of your posting as it does
not pertain to the subject at hand.

obviously you can't read since there
are rules regulating MVP conduct.

moreover, i "could care less" if you ever
read anything from me.

I simply altered my signature because
it pleased me and had absolutely
nothing to do with you or yours.

Arrogant for you to consider otherwise
but not surprising since you never impressed
me when you were not an MVP and still
have offerred nothing impressive as
an MVP as well.

besides, you're the antagonist here
and your posting like this one
is indicative of what troll's do.

based on your signature line
you're the character here as well: "Elephant Boy"

you really need to look into the
mirror before insulting others.

if you continue with your unprofessional
conduct and unwarranted postings as an
MVP, i would be interested in knowing
what qualified you for a 12 month
MVP award from Microsoft.

certainly its not becuase your a professional,
and cannot be because your a valuable professional
and it really doesn't seem that it is because your a
most valuable professional.

actions like yours tarnish the
MVP's who are truly professional
and have worked long and hard to
earn a title that they well deserve and
i appreciate.

unfortrunately based on what i have read
by your responses, you will never be like them.

your just an MVP "want-a-be" who doesn't
know the meaning of "professional" let alone
what is a "most valuable professional"


it is unclear as to the reason
of your posting as it does
not pertain to the subject at hand.

obviously you can't read since there
are rules regulating MVP conduct.

moreover, i "could care less" if you ever
read anything from me.

You really do care or you you would just ignore the responses. If you really
didn't care, you wouldn't go on and on ad nauseam in that peculiar cutesy
style you have. I keep expecting you to put little hearts instead of dots on
your i's.
BTW the term is "couldn't care less"
Are you related to PC Butts? You and he exhibit a lot of the same character
defects. He had to keep morphing too.
Smells trollish to me.


=?Utf-8?B?bmtnNTU0?= said:
My computer running XP is slow to boot up and I noticed I have several
registry entries for programs that I have uninstalled from the "Add & Remove
Programs" in control panel. Would it help to delete these registry entries?
I have emptied my temp internet folder, deleted the cookies, defraged the
drive and it is still slow. Any suggestions?

Un-needed apps in Add/remove will NOT slow down your computer.

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