

Asim Tozlu

Hi NG,

i have two MS Access-Database. The tables from database a are link to
database B.

How i can refresh the links when i move a database to another place.


greetings from berlin


Mary Chipman [MSFT]

Access/Jet does not automatically refresh links. You will need to
delete all existing links and create new ones. You can write a
procedure to do this using DAO or ADOX. Code is available if you
search online or ask in one of the Access newsgroups.


Paul Clement

¤ Hi NG,
¤ i have two MS Access-Database. The tables from database a are link to
¤ database B.
¤ How i can refresh the links when i move a database to another place.

Although it uses VB 6.0 the following MS KB article should help:

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)

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